easterly - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of easterly in Hindi

  • पूर्व की ओर
  • पूर्वी
  • पुरवैया
  • पूर्व की ओर का


  • पूर्व की ओर


  • पूर्व की ओर जानेवाला


  • पूराब हवा

easterly Definition


  • lying or moving in an eastward position or direction.


  • in or towards an eastward position or direction.


  • a wind blowing from the east.

easterly Example

  • the light easterly breeze ( प्रकाश पूर्वी हवा )
  • the captain ordered an easterly course ( कप्तान ने पूर्वी पाठ्यक्रम का आदेश दिया )
  • In the time of the Sassanian kings, however, as at the present time, the Tigris occupied a more easterly course. ( सासैनियन राजाओं के समय में, हालांकि, वर्तमान समय की तरह, टाइग्रिस ने अधिक पूर्वी मार्ग पर कब्जा कर लिया। )
  • After traversing North Italy, in a direction first southerly and then easterly, it falls into the Adriatic at Porto Fossone, a few miles north of the mouth of the Po. ( उत्तरी इटली को पार करने के बाद, पहले दक्षिण और फिर पूर्व दिशा में, यह पो के मुहाने से कुछ मील उत्तर में पोर्टो फॉसोन में एड्रियाटिक में गिरता है। )

More Sentence

  • Another shorter valley began near the present Jaffa gate and, taking an easterly direction, joined the Tyropoeon; while a third ravine passed across what is now the northern part of the Haram enclosure and fell into the valley of the Kidron.
  • An easterly slope to be out of the trades?
  • Our lowly house had an easterly aspect.
  • It is much exposed to northerly and easterly winds.
  • Faeroes _ Easterly becoming cyclonic 3 or 4, occasionally 5.
  • The village of Kamara was the most easterly 4th Light Dragoons.
  • Near the poles easterlies created a subpolar gyre that rotated clockwise.
  • Lastly, the area was dominated by the easterly trade winds.
  • The GSLV can place approximately into an easterly low Earth orbit.
  • The rider can head off in an easterly or westerly direction.
  • It's difficult to see easterlies in a sentence .
  • The most easterly occurrence in Western Australia is at Twilight Cove.
  • SR 55 departs Casstown, and continues easterly through Lostcreek Township.
  • Noa'tau is the most easterly district on the island.
  • The two others extend in a general easterly direction.
  • So they rose into the air and disappeared in an easterly direction.
  • Glimpses of the moon held them to a general easterly direction.
  • These easterly storms allers brings the rheumatiz into my legs.
  • From the Valley Gate the wall took an easterly course for a distance of woo cubits to the Dung Gate, near which on the east was the Fountain Gate, not far from the lower pool of Siloam.
  • Resuming his voyage in an easterly direction, Tasman sighted the west coast of the South Island of New Zealand on the 13th of December of the same year, and describes the coast-line as consisting of " high mountainous country."
  • when the wind's blowing easterly, go to the west coast