brackish - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of brackish in Hindi
- नुनखरा
- खारा
- खारी
- नुनखरा
- नमक का
brackish Definition
- (of water) slightly salty, as is the mixture of river water and seawater in estuaries. ( (पानी का) थोड़ा नमकीन, जैसा कि नदी के पानी और समुद्री जल का मिश्रण है। )
brackish Example
- He asked her, resting his head on hers, feeling the brackish spines of her short, red hair scratch his cheek. ( उसने उससे पूछा, उसके सिर पर आराम करते हुए, उसके छोटे, लाल बालों को अपने गाल पर खुरचते हुए महसूस किया। )
- The bright, shining blue of her eyes and the bloody redness of her messy, brackish hair stood out in bright contrast to the ghostly pallor of her skin. ( उसकी आँखों का चमकीला, चमकदार नीलापन और उसकी गन्दी, रक्तरंजित लालिमा, खुरदरे बाल उसकी त्वचा के भूतिया पैलोर के विपरीत चमकते हुए खड़े थे। )
- All are clad crisply in pre-oxidized copper panels, which are brawn, more than green, though this will change somewhat after winter gales spray the tower with the brackish water of the estuary. ( सभी पूर्व-ऑक्सीकृत तांबे के पैनलों में कुरकुरे होते हैं, जो हरे रंग की तुलना में अधिक भूरे रंग के होते हैं, हालांकि यह कुछ हद तक बदल जाएगा जब सर्दियों की गलियों में मुहाना के खारे पानी के साथ टॉवर स्प्रे होगा। )
- The otherwise brackish groundwater had become safe for consumption. ( अन्यथा खारे भूजल उपभोग के लिए सुरक्षित हो गए थे। )
- The city was also their house, they had a living room of brackish buildings downtown, a dark bedroom in Tlanesburgo, an enviable view in Belvedere, and underground passageways that everyone called the Metro. ( शहर भी उनका घर था, उनके पास शहर की खस्ताहाल इमारतों का एक कमरा था, टालेंसबर्ग में एक अंधेरा बेडरूम, बेल्वेडियर में एक विशाल दृश्य और भूमिगत मार्ग जो हर किसी को मेट्रो कहते थे। )
- Finally, after what seemed like an age of nervous wriggling and avoiding his careful gaze, she peered up through her fringe, a forest of brackish red quills. ( अंत में, घबराहट के दौर की तरह लग रहा था और उसकी सावधानी से टकटकी से बचने के बाद, वह अपनी फ्रिंज, खारे लाल quills के एक जंगल के माध्यम से peered। )
More Sentence
- Between the two horizons, occasional bands of brackish corbiculids intercalate with sediments containing freshwater gastropods and charophytes.
- Although the water was slightly brackish he soon had some excellent results.
- They also suggest that even if some Barrow's Goldeneyes molt on freshwater lakes near the littoral zone, most males frequent the brackish waters of estuaries similar to their wintering habitat.
- Most live in fresh or brackish (slightly salty) water and a few are found in marine habitats.
- Schram considered Paulocaris to be a brackish to freshwater organism and Mamayocaris to be nearshore marine.
- But I can't help wishing he had kicked off his Old Vic tenure with something more bracing than a blackish, brackish comedy about four middle-aged Dutchmen behaving rather badly.
- When they cut him open (one whole other dilemma for Richard!) the man in the sea-sick frock and shower-cap would find splintered bone, coiled organs spilling brackish poisons through artery walls.
- The two others are of a type found in fresh or brackish (slightly salty) water.
- A continuing supply of freshwater from streams entering the lake would have stimulated the growth of algae and other freshwater organisms, resulting in a mix of brackish and freshwater species.
- It won't take constant salt water, but it will take brackish water and it will take salt water if you flush it once the salts builds up in the root zone and the soil.
- These shoaling fish, found in temperate and tropical waters around the world, willingly enter brackish waters, caring little how salty these are.
- ‘I dropped 'em off on the beach ’, Duck shrugged, running a hand through his perpetually brackish blonde hair.
- The cholera bacterium may also live in the environment in brackish rivers and coastal waters.
- Rather than trying to remove the salt from seawater, the plant would use brackish waters from the Thames ebb tide.
- In general, development rate is 1.5 to 2 times slower in freshwater calanoid copepods relative to their brackish or marine counterparts.
- Some occur in the brackish water of estuaries and protected bays, commonly along steep parts of rocky reefs.
- In south-west districts, where underground water is brackish , salts have surfaced and are cause of concern, as these will burn crops and make cattle fodder injurious to their health.
- As a rule of thumb, phosphorus tends to be a problem in upstream and freshwaters, whereas nitrogen is a larger problem in downstream, brackish , and salty waters.
- Atholville, New Brunswick, lay underwater in a coastal estuary, a brackish fresh and salt water environment teeming with life.
- This allows the tree to use the brackish water by filtering out the salt.
- Miette enquired, scraping her brackish hair behind her ears.
- Preferring calm conditions, seahorses are often found near brackish water where salt and fresh water mix.
- They are known to spend time in brackish water and even rivers.
- Most of where I live also happens to be beach, or at least bordered by some kind of salt or brackish water, so that's a plus from my perspective.