algebraic - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of algebraic in Hindi

  • बीजगणितीय

algebraic Definition

  • relating to or involving algebra. ( बीजगणित से संबंधित या शामिल। )

algebraic Example

  • Omar Khayyam, known chiefly in Europe as a poet, combined trigonometry and approximation theory to solve algebraic equations using geometry. ( उमर खय्याम, मुख्य रूप से यूरोप में एक कवि के रूप में जाने जाते हैं, ने ज्यामिति का उपयोग करके बीजीय समीकरणों को हल करने के लिए त्रिकोणमिति और सन्निकटन सिद्धांत को संयोजित किया है। )
  • Herbrand also worked on field theory considering abelian extensions of algebraic number fields. ( हर्ब्रांड ने बीजगणितीय संख्या क्षेत्रों के एबेलियन एक्सटेंशन पर विचार करते हुए क्षेत्र सिद्धांत पर भी काम किया। )
  • This gave powerful results such as a purely algebraic proof of the Riemann Roch theorem. ( इसने शक्तिशाली परिणाम दिए जैसे कि रीमैन रोच प्रमेय का विशुद्ध रूप से बीजगणितीय प्रमाण। )
  • Paniker not only played upon the abstraction of the words and scripts but also incorporated mathematical formulae, algebraic equations and diagrams of horoscopes. ( पैनिकर न केवल शब्दों और लिपियों के अमूर्त पर खेला गया, बल्कि गणितीय सूत्र, बीजीय समीकरण और कुंडली के आरेखों को भी शामिल किया गया। )

More Sentence

  • Even his analytical work was guided by algebraic and linear algebraic methods.
  • Since we know that this distance is 260 miles, we can write the following algebraic equation to represent this information.
  • Does Rijndael's algebraic formulation make the algorithm easier to crack than other cryptosystems not designed this way?
  • Naimark's first work for his candidate's thesis was on the separation of roots of algebraic equations.
  • In 1874 he submitted this doctoral dissertation on algebraic integers and was awarded the degree.
  • His arithmetic setting of this result led eventually to the modern abstract theory of algebraic functions.
  • Few have had the simultaneous grasp of topology, algebraic geometry and K-theory that Thomason did.
  • Vedic mathematics, which simplifies arithmetic and algebraic operations, has increasingly found acceptance the world over.
  • To do this, he advanced the study of differential equations from numbers, formulas, and the manipulation of algebraic equations to geometry, curves, and the visualization of flows.
  • Back in Berlin he worked on his doctoral thesis on algebraic number theory under Dirichlet's supervision.
  • The papers look at algebraic curves, the Riemann Roch theorem and algebraic polynomials.
  • It dealt with the sum of integrals of a given algebraic function.
  • His work in algebraic number theory led him to study the quaternions and generalisations such as Clifford algebras.
  • algebraic function
  • He also published results on algebras which were fundamental in the study of algebraic number fields.
  • The OR gates and AND gates you can read about in books that describe how computers work correspond directly to Boole's algebraic operations of addition and multiplication.
  • It also meant that Wiles' earlier work in algebraic number theory would be helpful, and that he would probably generate some interesting problems-whether or not he found a proof.
  • His research interests include topology, algebraic geometry, and Lie theory.
  • The main innovation was Playfair's use of algebraic notation to abbreviate the proofs which he taught in his class.
  • In his lectures Sylow explained Abel's and Galois's work on algebraic equations.
  • Bromwich also made useful contributions to quadratic and bilinear forms and many consider his algebraic work to be his finest.
  • He tried, with great success, to show why the introduction of algebraic notation was necessary and inevitable.
  • In other work he looked at problems relating properties of algebraic number fields to algebraic K-theory.
  • Her mother always reminded her of how she was doing long division when she was three and complex algebraic equations by the time she was five.
  • Remak made important contributions to algebraic number theory.
  • Over the years, mathematicians have developed a variety of such invariants, often expressed in the form of a polynomial algebraic expression.