beret - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of beret in Hindi

  • बेरेत
  • खेल या छुट्टी के वस्त्रों के साथ पहनने की गोल चपटी टोपी
  • बास्क किसानों की गोल चपटी टोपी
  • सैनिकों की टोपी

beret Definition

  • a round flattish cap of felt or cloth. ( लगा या कपड़े की एक गोल चपटी टोपी। )

beret Example

  • It was like a beret , though round and from the center of the hat, hung a tassel. ( यह एक बेरेट की तरह था, हालांकि गोल और टोपी के केंद्र से, एक लटकन लटका दिया। )
  • There was a little boy in a beret and short trousers, and under his arm a loaf of bread that seemed as long as he was. ( एक छोटा लड़का एक बेरी और छोटी पतलून में था, और उसकी बांह के नीचे एक रोटी की रोटी थी जो तब तक लगती थी। )
  • His father worked in the shipping industry, and was unconventional enough to wear a beret to work instead of the statutory bowler hat. ( उनके पिता ने शिपिंग उद्योग में काम किया था, और सांविधिक गेंदबाज टोपी के बजाय काम करने के लिए एक बेकेट पहनने के लिए अपरंपरागत था। )
  • I grinned as I found a black beret , turning back to Floyd with it on. ( मैं मुस्कराता हुआ मिला क्योंकि मैंने एक काले रंग की बेरी पाई थी, इसके साथ फ्लोयड पर वापस मुड़ गया। )
  • She was dressed in a stylish outfit for church, wearing a leather patchwork blazer and a felt beret in place of the traditional headdress. ( उसने चर्च के लिए एक स्टाइलिश पोशाक पहनी हुई थी, जो पारंपरिक हेडड्रेस के स्थान पर एक चमड़े का पैचवर्क ब्लेज़र और एक महसूस किया हुआ बेरी पहना था। )
  • He wore a green uniform with two brass bars on each shoulder and a red beret tucked under one epaulet. ( उन्होंने हरे रंग की वर्दी पहनी थी जिसमें प्रत्येक कंधे पर दो पीतल की पट्टियाँ थीं और एक लाल टोपे के नीचे एक एपॉलेट था। )
  • A pair of sunglasses and a beret over her blonde hair finished her transformation. ( एक जोड़ी धूप का चश्मा और उसके सुनहरे बालों के ऊपर एक बेरी ने उसके परिवर्तन को समाप्त कर दिया। )

More Sentence

  • My uncle was a gruff but affectionate character who wore a beret , blue coveralls and smoked hand-rolled cigarettes.
  • Try on a cool beret , cowboy hat or newsboy to hide your straggly fringe.
  • He was also wearing a coat with fur trim on the hood and a beret which had a badge on the front.
  • There was also a large turnout of veterans in their green blazers and blue berets .
  • In blazers and berets , their medals shining, they smiled broadly and soaked up the applause and cheers.
  • Turn out your cupboard for old straw sunhats, berets , baseball caps and felt hats.
  • ‘In the last few weeks we have been wearing berets instead of helmets during our patrols,’ said the soldier.
  • Members of the 60-strong association will wear their berets and regimental blazers and parade through the town centre.
  • The Colonel said the soldiers would have been wearing helmets or berets , not floppy hats as in the photographs.
  • The old soldiers, wearing military berets and caps, were greeted with warm applause, hugs and kisses from a grateful crowd lining the streets.
  • But, look around and you will see a few hats, caps and berets going around town.
  • However, traditional clothes - such as berets and loose-fitting shirts for men and black shawls for women - may still be seen in some rural areas.
  • They wore leather jackets and sunglasses and berets and drove fast cars, and they were very aware of their glamour.