battleship - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of battleship in Hindi
- युद्धपोत
- समुद्री भीमकाय जहाज़
battleship Definition
- a heavy warship of a type built chiefly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with extensive armor and large-caliber guns. ( 19 वीं शताब्दी के अंत और 20 वीं शताब्दी के प्रारंभ में व्यापक कवच और बड़े कैलिबर गन के साथ मुख्य रूप से निर्मित एक प्रकार का भारी युद्धपोत। )
battleship Example
- If the Americans lost a capital ship (a battleship or aircraft carrier) it was simply a loss. ( यदि अमेरिकियों ने एक पूंजी जहाज (एक युद्धपोत या विमान वाहक) खो दिया तो यह केवल एक नुकसान था। )
- Divers are expected to return to the wreck site later this year to check on the oil which still leaks from the battleship . ( इस वर्ष के अंत में मलबे की जगह पर गोताखोरों के लौटने की उम्मीद है, जो अभी भी युद्धपोत से लीक हुए तेल की जांच करने के लिए है। )
- A few minutes earlier, USS battleship Nevada and other ships opened fire on Utah. ( कुछ मिनट पहले, यूएसएस युद्धपोत नेवादा और अन्य जहाजों ने यूटा पर आग लगा दी थी। )
- Admiral Yoshikawa pointed out that the first Kashima in the Japanese navy was a battleship built by Armstrong on the Tyne in 1906. ( एडमिरल योशिकावा ने बताया कि जापानी नौसेना में पहला काशीमा 1906 में टाइन पर आर्मस्ट्रांग द्वारा बनाया गया एक युद्धपोत था। )
- The grim battle in the twilight of the Arctic Circle was the last time men of the Royal Navy faced the enemy in a battleship . ( आर्कटिक सर्कल के धुंधलके में भीषण लड़ाई, पिछली बार रॉयल नेवी के लोगों ने युद्धपोत में दुश्मन का सामना किया था। )
- These include the battlecruisers HMS Hood, HMS Repulse and the battleship HMS Prince of Wales. ( इनमें बैटलक्रूज़र एचएमएस हूड, एचएमएस रिपुल और युद्धपोत एचएमएस प्रिंस ऑफ वेल्स शामिल हैं। )
- This is a legacy of the Second World War, in which the aircraft carrier replaced the battleship as the capital ship of fleets. ( यह द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध की विरासत है, जिसमें विमानवाहक पोत ने युद्धपोत को बेड़े के पूंजी जहाज के रूप में बदल दिया था। )
- The irony is that British submarines did not really have the potential to sink battleships as their armour was simply too great. ( विडंबना यह है कि ब्रिटिश पनडुब्बियों में वास्तव में युद्धपोतों को डूबाने की क्षमता नहीं थी क्योंकि उनका कवच बस बहुत महान था। )
- The battleships and destroyers following HMS Fearless arrived on the scene at a speed of 21 knots. ( एचएमएस फियरलेस के बाद युद्धपोत और विध्वंसक 21 समुद्री मील की गति से घटनास्थल पर पहुंचे। )
More Sentence
- Wind has disrupted the advance of great warships like battleships and aircraft carriers.
- Two battleships packed with Marines lurk offshore.
- Both vessels were built in England, albeit 136 years apart, and both were designated first class battleships .
- Thus, the U.S. Navy had carried battleships on its rosters for little more than a century.
- The Navy had arrived with impressive looking warships and battleships , armed to the teeth with many a cannon and gun.
- Only current Italian battleships , also designed for near seas, had such limited autonomy.
- Each battle group was protected by battleships and cruisers.
- Admiral Kondo's main force of two battleships and six heavy cruisers followed soon after.
- The limits were not on ‘naval forces’, as Chomsky states, but on battleships and aircraft carriers.
- Unlike aboard a frigate, the men aboard the Navy's battleships and cruisers felt nothing during transit.
- He saw future naval confrontations whereby the battleships and cruisers of a fleet would protect the carriers.