families - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of families in Hindi

  • परिवारों

families Definition


families Example

  • Our families have fought side by side for over fifty years. ( हमारे परिवारों ने पचास से अधिक वर्षों से कंधे से कंधा मिलाकर संघर्ष किया है। )
  • We took the car on vacation and our two families had a great time. ( हम छुट्टी पर कार ले गए और हमारे दोनों परिवारों ने बहुत अच्छा समय बिताया। )
  • Within are some admirable specimens of encaustic tiles, and several monuments of the Vernon and Manners families; while an ancient runic roodstone stands in the churchyard. ( भीतर मटमैला टाइलों के कुछ प्रशंसनीय नमूने और वर्नोन और मैनर्स परिवारों के कई स्मारक हैं; जबकि चर्चयार्ड में एक प्राचीन रूनिक रूडस्टोन खड़ा है। )
  • The enigmatic Tim's request for a favor was readily granted after three generations of both their families working together towards the PMF's goals of national unity. ( पीएमएफ के राष्ट्रीय एकता के लक्ष्यों की दिशा में एक साथ काम करने वाले उनके दोनों परिवारों की तीन पीढ़ियों के बाद एक एहसान के लिए गूढ़ टिम के अनुरोध को आसानी से स्वीकार कर लिया गया। )

More Sentence

  • When there were two mothers, the two families shared equally in the father's estate until later times when the first family took twothirds
  • There are such sayings in families and generally there is some truth in them.
  • The housekeepers in the street with families to support must have envied her.
  • They work and take care of their families like other people.
  • They have their positions, their families to go back to; but we are different.
  • So many of our Southern families seem to run largely to girls nowadays.
  • He also knew that the enemy would be fighting for their families’ lives as well as their own.
  • He said that he believed that this was a sign that we had our families’ blessing from heaven to continue on with our plan.
  • Gabby had found her grimoire, her families’ book of spells and incantations, amongst some of her Grams' things in the attic.
  • On her return trip, Jeanne briefly stopped at the homes of the two men, to start hauling their families’ bags to her residence.
  • Legs were straightened, a blind lady received her sight, a man with boils was delivered, and once, God healed a families’ only donkey; times were good and the anticipation of Jehovah’s movements was what kept our legs strong to keep moving.
  • Besides these, the families of many of the Mexican hands lived close by.
  • Think of a Nideck, one of the very noblest families in Germany!
  • Betsy located the families Howie saw in our last session.
  • A single case of homicide often leads to a series of similar crimes or to protracted warfare between neighbouring families and communities; the murderer, as a rule, takes refuge in the mountains from the avenger of blood, or remains for years shut up in his house.
  • What makes families run out?
  • They knew, even if they survived, returning to their families would be unfeasible.
  • In 1880 he published his novel Haablose Slaegter (" Families without hope"), which at once aroused attention.