conflagration - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of conflagration in Hindi
- आग
- अग्निकाण्ड
conflagration Definition
- an extensive fire which destroys a great deal of land or property.
conflagration Example
- tinder-dry conditions sparked fears of a conflagration in many drought-devastated communities ( टिंडर-सूखे की स्थिति ने कई सूखा-तबाह समुदायों में एक टकराव की आशंका जताई )
- It suffered severely from a conflagration in 1870. ( यह 1870 में एक टकराव से गंभीर रूप से पीड़ित हुआ। )
- Although you are angry at her, do not let such a small argument turn into a huge conflagration. ( यद्यपि आप उस पर क्रोधित हैं, फिर भी इस तरह के छोटे तर्क को भारी विरोध में न बदलने दें। )
- The situation, however, being in many ways inconvenient, and a conflagration having destroyed the shops at Makaryev, the fair was transferred in 1817 to its present locality at Nizhniy-Novgorod. ( हालांकि, स्थिति, कई मायनों में असुविधाजनक होने के नाते, और एक भ्रम की स्थिति पैदा होने के बाद मकरीव की दुकानों को नष्ट कर दिया गया, मेले को 1817 में निज़नी-नोवगोरोड में अपने वर्तमान इलाके में स्थानांतरित कर दिया गया। )
More Sentence
- How many military troops are currently involved in the conflagration in Afghanistan?
- The fire brigade soon got the conflagration under control.
- The light of that conflagration will fade away.
- Towards evening the conflagration was got under.
- God as body and conflagration.
- The woman is besieged by conflagration the barbecue has been forcedly very tragic in the balcony.
- Many people were burnt alive in the conflagration that happened in a multi - storeyed building.
- Competitors quickly tried to douse another conflagration of iPhone hype.
- After the treaty is signed, the conflagration between the two countries will come to an end.
- The conflagration between the teachers and the school board has led to a teacher strike.
- Hopefully, the two political parties will end their conflagration and pass the budget bill soon.
- Janice and her former husband have been involved in a custody conflagration over their children for nearly two years now.
- The only survivors of the flood, and of the conflagration that followed it, were an old man and a pumpkin-seed.
- conflagration and would have unsettled the boundaries of most continental nations; and the British government endeavoured thenceforward to stop hostilities by referring the question immediately in dispute to a conference in London.
- The town was burned by Albert of Mecklenburg's party in 1389, by an accidental conflagration in 1665, and by the Russians in 1719.
- But in the end the universal conflagration was handed down without question as an article of belief.
- Each city which had been the cradle of freedom thankfully accepted a master, to qutmch the conflagration of party strife, encouragt trade, and make the handicraftsmen comfortable.
- The conflagration is said by all authorities later than Tacitus to have been deliberately caused by Nero himself.'