butler - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of butler in Hindi

  • नौकर
  • बटलर


  • नौकर

butler Definition

  • the chief manservant of a house. ( एक घर का मुख्य मैन्सर्वेंट। )

butler Example

  • The butler is a servant who seems to have turned the tables and become master. ( बटलर एक नौकर है, जो लगता है कि मेजों को मोड़कर मास्टर बन गया है। )
  • There was a couple from Chicago who went around the world attended by a butler . ( शिकागो का एक जोड़ा था जो एक बटलर द्वारा भाग लेने के लिए दुनिया भर में गया था। )
  • Beth guessed from the man's tone of voice that he was the house butler . ( बेथ ने उस आदमी के स्वर से अनुमान लगाया कि वह घर का बटलर था। )
  • These butlers , footmen, valets, drivers, personal assistants, and bodyguards knew where the bodies lay. ( ये बटलर, फुटमैन, वैलेट, ड्राइवर, निजी सहायक और अंगरक्षक जानते थे कि शव कहां रखे गए हैं। )
  • I miss the people in the White House: the butlers , the house men, and the curator, and you know, the usher that runs the place. ( मैं व्हाइट हाउस में लोगों को याद करता हूं: बटलर, घर के लोग, और क्यूरेटर, और आप जानते हैं, उस जगह को चलाने वाले सूदखोर। )

More Sentence

  • Grown-ups who worked as grooms, butlers , maids or gardeners in the surrounding plantation houses occasionally brought these home with left-over foods wrapped in them.
  • I am going to live in a rich palace and have butlers ; servants and maids help me doing every task.
  • After that I fantasized for hours about living in such a house and having several maids and butlers instead of our one.
  • Personal staff costs - for two butlers , a valet, four chefs, two chauffeurs, eight housekeepers, eight gardeners and a secretariat - are probably another £1m.
  • In those days, a grand house would employ at least 16 domestic servants, and perhaps an army of 30-cooks, parlour maids, footmen, hall boys, gardeners, butlers , coachmen.
  • Inside were sparkling chandeliers in every room, carpeted staircases, butlers and servants at your feet and really wonderful food and expensive wine.
  • In the past five years demand for housekeepers and butlers has risen ten-fold in the UK.
  • It's such a large house and the butlers are all cranky old men who are hardly the right kind of companionship for a young woman.
  • White House butlers and such probably do the same.
  • Not because you had a huge house with tons of maids and butlers .
  • He even had a few maids and butlers who attended us.
  • They walked down to the basement level, and found a wing for all of the cooks, servants, maids, and butlers .
  • Every room had maids and servants and butlers all cleaning and decorating his home.
  • You know, probably the most powerful people within a household are valets, dressers and butlers .
  • We moved into a bigger house and hired a few maids and butlers .