easy chair - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of easy chair in Hindi
- आरम - कुरसी
- आरामकुर्सी
- गुदगुदी आरम-कुरसी
easy chair Definition
- a large, comfortable chair, typically an armchair.
easy chair Example
- I picked up the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen before sinking into my easy chair in the living room. ( लिविंग रूम में अपनी आसान कुर्सी पर बैठने से पहले मैंने बर्तन उठाए और किचन की सफाई की। )
- "The whole day has been a disaster," Dean said as he settled into an easy chair in his bedroom, a shopping bag in his lap. ( "पूरा दिन एक आपदा रहा है," डीन ने कहा कि जब वह अपने बेडरूम में एक आसान कुर्सी पर बैठ गया, तो उसकी गोद में एक शॉपिंग बैग था। )
- Theodore Ivánitch (sits down in an easy-chair). ( थियोडोर इवानिच (एक आसान कुर्सी पर बैठ जाता है)। )
- Mitch lowered himself awkwardly onto the edge of the easy-chair. ( मिच ने अजीब तरह से खुद को आसान कुर्सी के किनारे पर उतारा। )
More Sentence
- He tossed his cockaded cap on the table and sat down in an easy-chair.
- Levin hearing these voices sat scowling in an easy-chair in his wife’s bedroom, and maintained an obstinate silence when she asked him what was wrong.
- On such occasions he usually threw into an easy-chair in the library, and allowed Dorothea to read the London papers to him, closing his eyes the while.
- By its side, on her knees, and with her head buried in the cushion of an easy-chair, was Valentine, trembling and sobbing, her hands extended above her head, clasped and stiff.
- They got into their cottage about tea time; and the first thing Priscilla did was to exclaim at the pleasant sight of the wood fire and sit down in the easy-chair to warm herself.
- Sherlock Holmes pushed him down into the easy-chair and, sitting beside him, patted his hand and chatted with him in the easy, soothing tones which he knew so well how to employ.
- The grave being withdrew, and I sat down in a chintz-covered easy-chair and gaped.
- But the easy-chair of the old man was heard rolling along the floor, and he soon made his appearance in the room.
- "You're not due until tomorrow," Dean said as Fred dropped his cardboard suitcase and plopped into his easy chair.
- He took two aspirins and sank down in his easy chair.
- Color TV - automatic electric kettle - Easy chair seating - Electrical shaver point or adaptor