beady - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of beady in Hindi
- गुरियावाला
- मनकावाला
- छोटी और चमकदार आँखें
- गुरियों, बूँदों या मनकों से आच्छादित
beady Definition
- (of a person's eyes) small, round, and gleaming. ( (एक व्यक्ति की आँखों में) छोटा, गोल और चकाचौंध। )
beady Example
- His black, beady eyes glared at her behind wrinkled cheeks and a round nose. ( उसकी काली, मनहूस आँखें झुर्रीदार गालों और एक गोल नाक के पीछे उसकी ओर घूरती थीं। )
- She was small and plump with frosted hair and dark beady eyes. ( वह छोटी थी और ठंढे बालों और गहरी मनहूस आँखों के साथ। )
- Careful brushstrokes detail a beady eye, feathers, beak and claws. ( सावधान ब्रशस्ट्रोक एक मनका आंख, पंख, चोंच और पंजे का विवरण देते हैं। )
- And even as I am relating this story I know you are looking upon me with great anger in your squinty, beady eyes. ( और जैसा कि मैं इस कहानी से संबंधित हूं, मुझे पता है कि आप मुझे अपनी क्रोधपूर्ण, मनहूस आंखों में देख रहे हैं। )
- Tall and gangly, with a long nose and beady eyes, he was self-conscious about his appearance and despaired of ever being loved. ( लम्बी नाक और मनहूस आँखों के साथ लंबा और गन्दा, वह अपनी उपस्थिति के बारे में आत्म-सचेत था और कभी भी प्यार करने से निराश था। )
- The blackbird in question is perched on a painted branch above the stairs, looking down with a beady eye on a mural which commemorates many of the Chip's staff and regulars. ( प्रश्न के ब्लैकबर्ड को सीढ़ियों के ऊपर एक चित्रित शाखा पर लगाया जाता है, जो एक भित्ति पर एक भयावह आंख से देखता है जो चिप के कई कर्मचारियों और नियमित लोगों को याद करता है। )
- Neo-conservatism is the movement which cast a beady eye at progressive politics and cried that the emperor had no clothes. ( नव-रूढ़िवाद वह आंदोलन है जिसने प्रगतिशील राजनीति में एक मनहूस आंख डाली और रोया कि सम्राट के पास कपड़े नहीं थे। )
- She kept a beady eye and a tight rein on the media. ( वह मीडिया पर अपनी चुस्त नजर और चुस्त दुरुस्त बनी रही। )
- The redoubtable Mainland has kept a beady eye on proceedings at the George Street fringe venue for eight festivals, but feels it is about time to move on. ( Redoubtable Mainland ने आठ त्योहारों के लिए जॉर्ज स्ट्रीट फ्रिंज स्थल पर कार्यवाही पर एक निगाह रखी है, लेकिन लगता है कि यह आगे बढ़ने का समय है। )
- He has been casting a beady eye on the internationalists here. ( वह यहां के अंतरराष्ट्रीय लोगों पर अपनी नजर गड़ाए हुए है। )
More Sentence
- Investigators are focusing their beady eyes on long-haul truckers, because we all know how those guys like to whiz in jugs.
- Her eyes stared like a laser beam at the paintings, almost melting them with her beady stare.
- And then there are laser beams and death stars and funny looking creatures with beady eyes that hide in sand dunes.
- Pretty girls glide on rollerskates under the beady eye of Isabel Vendle, an ageing single woman of means who promises to be some kind of Miss Haversham character.
- It was so close that I could finally see its black beady eye.
- It's far worse; they're simply tacky rip-off merchants with a beady eye for the good earner.
- Remember, the next bird that sets its cold beady eyes on you, might be the last thing you ever see.
- We strolled half the length of the lake to locate a party of mallards, in a vain attempt to avoid catching the beady eyes of the Canada geese.
- The expression was taut, fiery even, and it seemed ready to pounce - - the eyes beady , observant.
- THREE TINY girls in pink with big beady eyes can these days be seen running around school corridors in Delhi.
- What I did do, I noticed, was to keep a very beady eye on him from across the room: waiting to see what kind of man he fastened his attentions on this time.
- Not content with that, David has been keeping his beady eyes open for another bargain and today came across it.
- She felt his beady little eyes staring down at her and his sly lips curved into a smile.
- Hanging around between the pylons were huge shoals of fish, seemingly unfazed by our presence, happy to let us swim by and follow us en masse with one beady eye.
- These cast a gravestone-like shadow on the slope behind, and you are aware of the bright beady red eyes of shrimps in the folds of the sponges glint back at you like cat's eyes.
- Even the emus are entrancing until they fix you with their beady stares.
- Her head hovered over Anna with tight lips and beady stare.
- Now he rubs his beady eyes in sheer confusion at the wilfulness of his charges (ie, us), who simply refuse to listen to common sense anymore.
- Plucked from the depths of the ocean, grabbed by the gloved hand of a trawlerman, examined with a beady eye and then chucked over a shoulder back into the sea.
- Fully awake and with the beady eyes that only the over consumption of coffee can bring, I still failed to notice the additional security we are supposed to be enjoying.