amplifier - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of amplifier in Hindi
- एम्पलीफायर
- प्रवर्धक
- विस्तारक
- परिवर्धक
- एंप्लिफ़ायर
- ध्वनि-विस्तारक
amplifier Definition
- an electronic device for increasing the amplitude of electrical signals, used chiefly in sound reproduction. ( विद्युत संकेतों के आयाम को बढ़ाने के लिए एक इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरण, मुख्य रूप से ध्वनि प्रजनन में उपयोग किया जाता है। )
amplifier Example
- I've got a good sound and I usually have an amplifier and microphone. ( मुझे एक अच्छी आवाज मिली है और मेरे पास आमतौर पर एक एम्पलीफायर और माइक्रोफोन है। )
- Each strum of the guitar trembles through the amplifier to turn feedback into magic. ( गिटार का प्रत्येक टुकड़ा एम्पलीफायर के माध्यम से प्रतिक्रिया को जादू में बदल देता है। )
- He liked the way the amplifier and the turntable and the speakers were all separate, and the archaic brittleness of the grey cables that connected them all. ( जिस तरह से एम्पलीफायर और टर्नटेबल और स्पीकर थे वे सभी अलग-अलग थे, और ग्रे केबल्स की पुरातन भंगुरता जो उन सभी को जोड़ती थी। )
- I mean, I only have to look at an amplifier or an effects pedal and it blows up. ( मेरा मतलब है, मुझे केवल एक एम्पलीफायर या एक प्रभाव पेडल को देखना है और यह ऊपर उड़ता है। )
More Sentence
- They walk down in the rain to get close enough to hear me sing without the amplifier .
- The function generators feed into an integrator to combine the waveforms before it went to an amplifier and then was split to go to the electrodes.
- The auxiliary amplifier is provided within the circuit to increase the gain of the cascode amplifier and has an associated output.
- An amplifier and a sampler convert the storage medium signal into a timed sample sequence.
- Ty plugged his electric guitar into the amplifier on the stage.
- Sometimes the surround sound processor and the amplifier are combined into a surround sound receiver, to save you a little bit of money.
- She disappeared from a moment, then returned dragging a heavy amplifier , with a full-scale bass tucked under her arm.
- The differential amplifier further includes a lateral bipolar transistor.
- The aim of the invention is to process higher maximum levels of the source signal and to suppress noises of the second amplifier .
- Hearing aids are electronic devices made up of a microphone, an amplifier , a loudspeaker and a battery.
- They would also limit the number of music events that use amplifiers .
- He adds that the company is building other components, including a range of radio-frequency and intermediate-frequency amplifiers in order to provide a complete system-level solution for set-tops.
- In addition, he says, transmission amplifiers can be located at substations which are already secure and equipped with low-voltage power.
- We have demonstrated a variety of devices and functions, including single mode and ring lasers, high-speed and monitoring detectors, modulators, amplifiers , and passive waveguides.
- Circumstances changed dramatically in about 1925 when the new microphones and triode valve amplifiers introduced a few years earlier for radio broadcasting came into use
- People didn't intend amplifiers to distort and now we can't imagine a guitar without distortion.
- The receiver front end - including the antenna, RF integrated circuits, low noise amplifiers , and filters - are still driven by hardware design and production costs.
- The walls are throbbing gently to the beat of music coming from one near and several more distant amplifiers .
- In common with most of the shacks, they also sell turntables, amplifiers and speakers for about Rp 200,000 each depending on the make, etc.
- If you like to listen to strong, bass-heavy music, you should get powerful amplifiers and ample subwoofers.
- This time, she sang unaccompanied: no cousins, no amplifiers , no disco beat.
- You'd think that rock musicians would have worse hearing loss, but their amplifiers are typically pointed towards the audience, and they aren't playing directly into each other's ears.
- The book is a practical reference for professionals who create amplifiers suitable for linear transmitters.
- I've been in bands before where they spend so much time rehearsing and carrying amplifiers around that they haven't actually achieved anything.
- The apparatus includes two visual indicators, two amplifiers , and a logic circuit.
- But before the party even got started, Essex Police officers turned up and removed music amplifiers so it could not go ahead at all.