behave - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of behave in Hindi
- व्यवहार करना
- आचरण करना
behave Definition
- act or conduct oneself in a specified way, especially toward others. ( विशेष रूप से दूसरों की ओर, निर्दिष्ट तरीके से कार्य करना या आचरण करना। )
- conduct oneself in accordance with the accepted norms of a society or group. ( किसी समाज या समूह के स्वीकृत मानदंडों के अनुसार स्वयं का आचरण करें। )
behave Example
- Investigators also look at how fires behave and how people are affected by them as well as why people start them. ( जांचकर्ता यह भी देखते हैं कि आग कैसे व्यवहार करती है और लोग उनसे कैसे प्रभावित होते हैं और लोग उन्हें क्यों शुरू करते हैं। )
- you should behave affectionately toward the patient ( आपको रोगी के प्रति स्नेहपूर्ण व्यवहार करना चाहिए )
- Since this is very hard to effect, a crystal with totally filled bands will behave as an insulator. ( चूंकि यह प्रभाव करना बहुत कठिन है, पूरी तरह से भरे हुए बैंड के साथ एक क्रिस्टल एक इन्सुलेटर के रूप में व्यवहार करेगा। )
- I think that they are now about seven or eight, and seem to behave as normal children would. ( मुझे लगता है कि वे अब लगभग सात या आठ साल के हैं, और सामान्य बच्चों की तरह व्यवहार करने लगते हैं। )
- All the males in the social group behave as if they are the father, helping to guard and provision the cubs. ( सामाजिक समूह के सभी पुरुष ऐसे व्यवहार करते हैं जैसे कि वे पिता हैं, शावकों की रखवाली और व्यवस्था करने में मदद करते हैं। )
- He said his client admitted he had done wrong and would behave differently if he had his time again. ( उन्होंने कहा कि उनके मुवक्किल ने स्वीकार किया कि उन्होंने गलत किया है और यदि वह अपना समय फिर से करेंगे तो अलग व्यवहार करेंगे। )
- they were expected to behave themselves ( उनसे अपेक्षा की जाती थी कि वे स्वयं व्यवहार करें )
- it is not acceptable for a student to behave like that towards a teacher ( एक छात्र के लिए शिक्षक के प्रति ऐसा व्यवहार करना स्वीकार्य नहीं है )
- For if we better understand what we are, we might better understand why we behave as we do. ( अगर हम बेहतर समझते हैं कि हम क्या हैं, तो हम बेहतर समझ सकते हैं कि हम जैसा व्यवहार करते हैं, वैसा ही क्यों करें। )
More Sentence
- you can go as long as you behave
- Phenomena that we previously thought of as waves can sometimes behave like particles.
- If someone close by the cash machine is behaving suspiciously or makes you feel uncomfortable, go to another machine.
- She respected him and even apologized for the way she had behaved towards him when she was angry.
- However, the currency markets have behaved differently.
- They feel you have behaved badly towards them and you agree.
- ‘The vast majority of the passengers were behaving themselves but it was the mindless minority that were responsible for this disorder,’ he said.
- I encourage them to negotiate based on what they have done well and how they have behaved towards others.
- I dread having to face him again, after I behaved so rudely towards him.
- Now scientists have clues on how a hurricane behaves when the ozone levels are high and low.
- Each gun behaves a little differently depending upon their weight, making it more challenging to aim and change targets.
- He hypothesized that lightning behaved that way because it was just a bunch of electricity.
- I behaved extremely destructively towards my family.
- ‘I think my father has behaved very badly towards me,’ Flora is reported as saying.
- Moist air behaves differently as once it starts rising, the water vapour starts to condense.
- Energy behaves and performs in ways and manners that are different from matter, although there might be some similarities.
- I think of him as a friend, and he has always behaved like a gentleman whenever I see him.
- It was not in the way they behaved towards each other, certainly.
- Formerly this area of natural swamp would have behaved like other natural wetlands.
- The perception that he behaved aggressively and condescendingly towards his opponent during the presidential debates has done him damage.
- Generally, everybody seemed to be behaving themselves .