broker - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of broker in Hindi
- दलाल
- ब्रोकर
- दलाल
- आढ़तिया
broker Definition
- a person who buys and sells goods or assets for others. ( वह व्यक्ति जो दूसरों के लिए माल या संपत्ति खरीदता है और बेचता है। )
- arrange or negotiate (a settlement, deal, or plan). ( व्यवस्था या बातचीत (एक समझौता, सौदा, या योजना)। )
broker Example
- Several attempts to broker a peace agreement between the two peoples were unsuccessful. ( दोनों लोगों के बीच शांति समझौते के लिए ब्रोकर के कई प्रयास असफल रहे। )
- Some 130 tons of mercury were sold to a broker , which resold it for use in India. ( कुछ 130 टन पारा एक ब्रोकर को बेच दिया गया था, जो इसे भारत में उपयोग के लिए फिर से बेचना करता था। )
- The real problem for him is that he is unlikely to accept the broker 's buy or sell recommendation which comes at the end of these documents. ( उसके लिए असली समस्या यह है कि वह दलाल की सिफारिश को स्वीकार करने या बेचने की संभावना नहीं रखता है जो इन दस्तावेजों के अंत में आता है। )
- fighting continued despite attempts to broker a ceasefire ( ब्रोकर के संघर्ष विराम के प्रयासों के बावजूद लड़ाई जारी रही )
- If, for example, the deal with Pakistan holds it could bring the country back in from the cold and offers the possibility of brokering an agreement with India over Kashmir. ( यदि, उदाहरण के लिए, पाकिस्तान के साथ यह करार है कि वह देश को ठंड से वापस ला सकता है और कश्मीर के साथ भारत के साथ एक समझौते की दलाली करने की संभावना प्रदान करता है। )
More Sentence
- In the interests of brokering a peace, we'd like to float the following theory.
- The talks that brokered agreement in Derry were chaired by the Londonderry Chamber of Commerce.
- This is Europe's point man in brokering a peace between Israel and Arab states.
- In addition, many plans are sold through brokers and investment advisers, who usually charge a sales commission.
- According to Dowling, there is a ‘hit list’ of solicitors, accountants, valuers and brokers that lenders avoid.
- Some sell through brokers , others sell to retail stores like Whole Foods, others choose to sell through ALBA Organics.
- For one, the middlemen - the brokers and the fund supermarkets - that sell the funds take a big chunk of the money.
- A key part of the agreement being brokered in the Congo is how to deal with the Hutu militias.
- The agreement was brokered by the World Bank and remains a model for amicable sharing of resources.
- It sets out how mortgage lenders and brokers should treat their customers.
- Once again, it should take the lead in brokering an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement.
- Corporate clients will decide to put together their own insurance policies, axing brokers altogether.
- In South Africa medical scheme administrators appoint brokers to sell their products.
- In only 9 per cent of cases did US brokers advise investors to sell shares.
- Egeland has brokered peace in Guatemala, Israel, Sri Lanka, South Africa and the former Yugoslavia.
- Anyone considering PHI should be careful about the broker they choose as brokers don't always sell products from all insurers in the market.
- MBS is a wholesale intermediary, or ‘packager’, which operates between lenders and mortgage brokers .
- Many, say experts, are backed by unscrupulous mortgage brokers or lenders.
- The veteran Congress leader is understood to have brokered peace between his children who were reportedly at loggerheads.
- Scotland will only prosper once peace is brokered with the English-based stars and their clubs, writes Neil Drysdale
- In 2001 he brokered a so-called peace deal involving a number of feuding families in the Southill area.
- The discretion mortgage brokers and lenders have in setting rates and fees leads to inefficiencies.
- We [also] want to make sure that when brokers sell funds, there are no rules or laws being broken.
- The sales team pushes back at Wilkes, arguing that the new products undercut their efforts to sell brokers and lenders on the exchange.
- They're reviewing rules with brokers who sell their funds and with transfer agencies that process trades.