cautious - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cautious in Hindi
- सतर्क
- सावधान
- सजग
- चौकन्ना
- होशियार
- एहतियाती
- दूरंदेश
- ख़बरदार
- सतर्कता
- सावधानता
- खबरदार
cautious Definition
- (of a person) careful to avoid potential problems or dangers. ( (एक व्यक्ति की) संभावित समस्याओं या खतरों से बचने के लिए सावधान। )
cautious Example
- We were very concerned to ensure that any opening of the courts was careful and cautious . ( हम यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए बहुत चिंतित थे कि अदालतों का कोई भी उद्घाटन सावधान और सतर्क था। )
- You never know, the council may even be a little more cautious before it offers up another bit of open space to developers. ( आप कभी नहीं जानते हैं, इससे पहले कि डेवलपर्स के लिए एक और खुली जगह प्रदान करता है, परिषद थोड़ी अधिक सतर्क हो सकती है। )
- His findings, though cautious and conservative, are nevertheless provocative. ( उनके निष्कर्ष, हालांकि सतर्क और रूढ़िवादी हैं, फिर भी उत्तेजक हैं। )
- I even have a cautious optimism that some such changes could benefit Catholic life. ( मेरे पास एक सतर्क आशावाद है कि इस तरह के कुछ बदलावों से कैथोलिक जीवन को लाभ मिल सकता है। )
- Owning to the severe winter, the zoo staff is being extra cautious with animals. ( भीषण सर्दी के कारण, चिड़ियाघर के कर्मचारी जानवरों से अतिरिक्त सतर्क रहते हैं। )
- Perhaps that means they should be more wary and cautious in the future. ( शायद इसका मतलब है कि उन्हें भविष्य में अधिक सतर्क और सतर्क रहना चाहिए। )
- Most pickpockets are cautious thieves hoping to avoid any kind of confrontation. ( अधिकांश पिकपकेट सतर्क चोर हैं जो किसी भी तरह के टकराव से बचने की उम्मीद करते हैं। )
More Sentence
- So those who are attached to the cautious approach will hold back nervously rather than boldly promote growth.
- At last, in cautious murmurs, they own up that they are wide awake, and far from tranquil.
- The attitudes many of these young people had developed were both cautious and illiberal.
- Perhaps the media has simply become more cautious since the days of the dot-com bust.
- The second reason to be cautious is that there is no effective mechanism for dealing with global imbalances.
- Vale of York MP Anne McIntosh takes a slightly more cautious line than her leader.
- In my view, we are very lucky to have a very prudent and cautious Minister of Finance.
- Initial reaction from the couple was cautious but the breakthrough of the arrest was evident on their faces.
- You know that there are people and situations in your life that you need to be cautious and careful about.
- Chairman Sir Michael Bett welcomed the results, despite a cautious note about the size of margins.
- The budget proposed for Basildon has been given a cautious but warm welcome by residents.
- Blunkett's language may have been cautious , but his bravery wasn't in doubt.
- However, when it comes to holiday spending, we are just that little bit more cautious .
- But while enjoying different foods and customs, she is also learning when to be cautious .
- The county council wants the Government to allow North Yorkshire to adopt a more cautious approach.
- Nowadays, you've got to be as cautious with your email address as with your home address.
- Bradford's new Gala Casino opened its doors yesterday to a cautious welcome from some.
- But they were more cautious , fearing a challenge which might destabilise the bank.
- After months of being cautious and playing hard to get, I'm going to bravely risk rejection this time.
- We have been careful and cautious : we don't have Scottish in our name for nothing.
- The Pope's cautious reaction to martial law was prompted by his firm belief in non-violence.
- My dad was always very careful and he has advised me not to be too cautious and end up with money I don't know what to do with.
- I think it is because we are a comfortable society that moves in cautious steps.