annotate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of annotate in Hindi

  • व्याख्या
  • टिप्पणी करना
  • भाष्य करना
  • व्याख्या करना

annotate Definition

  • add notes to (a text or diagram) giving explanation or comment. ( स्पष्टीकरण या टिप्पणी देने के लिए (एक पाठ या आरेख) नोट्स जोड़ें। )

annotate Example

  • Not only do I underscore; I use brackets, carets, and braces; I annotate all four margins and I copiously turn down the edges (both top and bottom) of certain especially memorable pages. ( न केवल मैं अंडरस्कोर करता हूं; मैं कोष्ठक, देखभाल और ब्रेसिज़ का उपयोग करता हूं; मैं सभी चार मार्जिनों की व्याख्या करता हूं और मैं कुछ विशेष रूप से यादगार पन्नों के किनारों (ऊपर और नीचे दोनों) को कॉपी करता हूं। )
  • You can also import a photograph and annotate it with your own handwriting or add text with Graffiti. ( आप एक तस्वीर भी आयात कर सकते हैं और इसे अपनी लिखावट से जोड़ सकते हैं या भित्तिचित्र के साथ पाठ जोड़ सकते हैं। )
  • For Japanese speakers who use English as a second language, it is helpful to annotate this text in Japanese so that images may be recalled by Japanese keywords. ( जापानी बोलने वालों के लिए जो दूसरी भाषा के रूप में अंग्रेजी का उपयोग करते हैं, यह जापानी में इस पाठ को एनोटेट करने में सहायक है, ताकि छवियों को जापानी खोजशब्दों द्वारा याद किया जा सके। )
  • But, while I can annotate them, I can't copy any text at all into my notes. ( लेकिन, जब मैं उन्हें एनोटेट कर सकता हूं, तो मैं किसी भी टेक्स्ट को अपने नोट्स में कॉपी नहीं कर सकता। )
  • To annotate means to add explanation to information - extra ‘commentary information’ in terms of the Online Dictionary of Computing. ( एनोटेट करने का अर्थ है सूचना के स्पष्टीकरण को जोड़ना - अतिरिक्त information कमेंटरी जानकारी ’ऑनलाइन कम्प्यूटिंग के संदर्भ में। )
  • Much of it consists of more or less richly annotated lists of the sorts of things one sees and experiences. ( इसमें से अधिकांश चीजों को देखने और अनुभवों के प्रकारों की अधिक या कम समृद्ध एनोटेट सूचियों में शामिल हैं। )
  • So, if you haven't seen the annotatable audio demo already, it's a wiki-like interface for dividing BBC radio programmes into segments and annotating and tagging each section. ( इसलिए, यदि आपने पहले से ही एनोटेटेबल ऑडियो डेमो नहीं देखा है, तो यह बीबीसी रेडियो कार्यक्रमों को खंडों में विभाजित करने और प्रत्येक अनुभाग को एनोटेट करने और टैग करने के लिए एक विकी जैसा इंटरफ़ेस है। )
  • Notes are annotated on levels of certainty with predictions and risks and possible causes for changes to numbers. ( नोट्स भविष्यवाणियों और जोखिमों और संख्याओं में बदलाव के संभावित कारणों के साथ निश्चितता के स्तर पर एनोटेट किए जाते हैं। )
  • This Tcl Book system allows you to create a simple annotatable book out of plain text files. ( यह Tcl Book system आपको सादे पाठ फ़ाइलों से एक सरल एनोटेट बुक बनाने की अनुमति देता है। )

More Sentence

  • An example of the support of rebellion in the notes is found in that on Exodus 1: 19, where the Geneva annotators endorse the disobedience of the Egyptian midwives regarding the killings of Hebrew male children.
  • We were annotating our map as we went along, noting the date we passed a place or visited a ruin.
  • You can't read the texts online but some extremely helpful person has been busy annotating the material with descriptions which makes a search or even a ramble through the material a pleasure.
  • It is a significantly extended, critically judicious, helpfully annotated edition of an indispensable oeuvre.
  • This style is matched by regular sidebars in which Anderson expands on and annotates concepts and formulas that appear in the text.
  • The notes by the conductor and by Tadashi Isoyama are interesting and go way beyond the usual historical perspectives provided by most other annotators .
  • The text has been annotated and lightly edited to bring spellings up to date.
  • He was a chronic annotator , editor and commentator, loving the detail of government but disliking the main business.
  • Collini's public celebration of the under-appreciated scholarship of editors and annotators is a service to the humanities.
  • He compiled, wrote, updated and annotated the inventory and signed every page relating to Denny's charge in 1542.
  • I read it closely and annotated it extensively, as is my habit in reading generally.
  • I used to watch my dad as he placed our family photos in albums like this, neatly annotating them as he went along.
  • The quotation we gave above suggests that Li was given the task of correcting and annotating mathematical texts.
  • Examples of such annotatable objects, which are application-dependent, might be whole documents, document passages, sets of documents, folders.
  • Each document is divided into a number of annotatable sections separated by two horizontal lines indicating the beginning and the end of that section.
  • Brown annotates every deliberate inaccuracy in the book's notes.
  • This is the base interface that all annotatable objects must implement.
  • These annotations are added by a team of expert annotators who extract this information primarily from journal publications.
  • Automatic text-analysis tools can assist human annotators and can thus significantly shorten the time lag of functional annotations.
  • Charles M. Robinson has the massive task of editing and annotating the diaries.
  • It prints Lock's sonnets in old-spelling and very lightly annotated texts.