awkward - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of awkward in Hindi
- भद्दा
- अनाड़ी
- फूहड़
- कुरूप
- चिन्ताजनक
awkward Definition
- causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with. ( कठिनाई पैदा करना; साथ करना या निपटना कठिन। )
- causing or feeling embarrassment or inconvenience. ( शर्मिंदगी या असुविधा का कारण या महसूस करना। )
- not smooth or graceful; ungainly. ( चिकनी या सुंदर नहीं; कुरूप। )
awkward Example
- He seems to be an actor perfectly suited to kitchen sink dramas in an age when demand from that sort of awkward , angry character is declining. ( वह एक ऐसे अभिनेता के रूप में प्रतीत होता है जो एक उम्र में किचन सिंक ड्रामा के अनुकूल होता है, जब उस तरह के अजीब, क्रोधित चरित्र से मांग घट रही होती है। )
- Had staff consulted with the minister and agreed to feign communication breakdown so as not to have to deal with my awkward questions? ( क्या कर्मचारियों ने मंत्री के साथ विचार-विमर्श किया और संचार के टूटने के लिए सहमति व्यक्त की ताकि मेरे अजीब सवालों से निपटना न पड़े? )
- If a grader were a person, he might be called ungainly, awkward , or even a klutz. ( यदि कोई व्यक्ति एक व्यक्ति था, तो उसे अपवित्र, अजीब, या यहाँ तक कि कुल्त्ज़ भी कहा जा सकता है। )
- They kept waiters hanging on while rudely squabbling and were deliberately awkward . ( वे इंतजार कर रहे थे, जबकि लोग बुरी तरह से लड़खड़ा रहे थे और जानबूझकर अजीब थे। )
- We did not want to be awkward and put any unreasonable obstructions in the way. ( हम अजीब नहीं होना चाहते थे और रास्ते में कोई भी अनुचित बाधा नहीं डालते थे। )
- I laid on the floor at an awkward angle, the ropes that the crazy British dude had put on me had started to burn into my wrists. ( मैं एक अजीब कोण पर फर्श पर लेटा हुआ था, जो रस्सियां जो पागल ब्रिटिश दोस्त ने मुझ पर डाली थीं, उनकी कलाइयों में जलने लगी थीं। )
- She could easily envision the awkward silences and uneasy shifting in the seats. ( वह आसानी से सीटों में अजीब चुप्पी और असहज शिफ्टिंग की कल्पना कर सकती थी। )
More Sentence
- A yellow-haired person would contrast horribly and feel very awkward .
- Also, the ones they do employ (at least in Peckham) are inadequately trained/too inefficient to deal with awkward customers.
- He dealt with an awkward question on devolution with the surety and intelligence you would expect from a man who refused to be bullied into Vietnam.
- She finally asked after an awkward pause, exasperated with their indecision.
- But left-handers are renowned for being awkward and clumsy and in some societies they are still looked upon with suspicion.
- The elephant, unwieldy and awkward yet graceful and powerful, becomes an allegory for the form itself.
- And on top of that they have to deal diplomatically with awkward patients.
- There were a few uneasy seconds of awkward silence, everyone looking at Christine with apprehension.
- This also means that you have to be prepared to listen to some hard truths and awkward questions.
- Many of the other performers, however, were stiff and awkward .
- However awkward and obstructive he has been, we are going to war come what may.
- After a few such trips, I became bolder, and I got myself into quite a few awkward or embarrassing situations as a result.
- He felt clumsy and awkward in the air, his body too ungainly to be properly streamlined.
- I sat up angrily, muttering profanities to myself as I rubbed my elbows and knees which took my awkward landing hardest.
- You remember how you felt at that age, when your own body was awkward and when you were full of energy and uncertainty.
- Now she faked her clumsy and awkward movements, often purposely stumbling over anything that came her way.
- Everyone wants peace, no one wants war, and if you aren't prepared to march then you're either gung ho or deliberately awkward .
- The public perception of me is that I'm a hard man or an awkward man.
- He held one paw forward in an awkward , unnatural way.
- He couldn't quite grab the vital winning goal as they came up against Lady Luck with her awkward head on, a stubborn defence and a goalkeeper in top form.
- If the motion feels awkward , uncomfortable or painful, you need to make an adjustment somewhere.
- Their stance is one of unswerving resistance, but their films, while dealing with awkward topics, have never been demagogic.
- His claims that the tribunal has shown bias towards him still leave a number of awkward issues to be dealt with.