decor - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of decor in Hindi

  • असबाब
  • रंग-सज्जा
  • रंग-योजना

decor Definition


  • the furnishing and decoration of a room.

decor Example

  • inside, the decor is elegant and traditional ( अंदर, सजावट सुरुचिपूर्ण और पारंपरिक है )
  • the decor revolves around a night-time street scene ( सजावट एक रात के सड़क के दृश्य के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है )
  • Miriam seemed as impressed by the artwork and decor as Elisabeth had been. ( मिरियम कलाकृति और सजावट से उतनी ही प्रभावित हुई जितनी एलिजाबेथ थी। )
  • Your customers will eat what you have - but there are also opportunities to learn new recipes, acquire new ingredients, and update the decor and facilities of your restaurant which will improve their experience and earn you more money. ( आपके ग्राहक वही खाएंगे जो आपके पास है - लेकिन नए व्यंजनों को सीखने, नई सामग्री हासिल करने और अपने रेस्तरां की सजावट और सुविधाओं को अपडेट करने के अवसर भी हैं जो उनके अनुभव को बेहतर बनाएंगे और आपको अधिक पैसा कमाएंगे। )

More Sentence

  • Her bright and airy living room decor is the personification of spring.
  • Many people are probably unaware of how much planning and artistic talent goes into the decor and design ot all types of Dallas buildings, from doctors' offices to fast food restaurants to libraries to apartment homes.
  • The very stylish decor and layout could unfortunately not make up for the very expensive bar prices and the rude and insolent staff.  
  • Stained glass decor is commonly used by architects and interior decorators on exterior windows, wall spaces and entry ways.  
  • In direct contrast to the style of the women sitting opposite me, Dobbin's decor looks like it had been designed by Jackie Healy-Rae.  
  • The decor was subtly neutral, with tiny halogen spotlights on a dimmer switch to suit your mood.  
  • The interior decor is quite cool, and innovative, particularly the egg-shaped toilets.  
  • The atmosphere is cosy, the decor eclectic, but the overall ambience revolves around the staff.  
  • It's decor gives the appearance of a provincial diner, but the menu is far more fusion than a specific cuisine.  
  • It's worth finding a decorator whose decor and furnishings will be chic yet neutral, without looking bland.  
  • The decor is elegant, mixed with pieces of art symbolizing the fall of the Berlin Wall.
  • Blue votive candles are a popular decorative choice for many holidays and special occasions, and because they are available in many different shades and scents, there is always a way to add a beautiful something blue to your decor.
  • amenityotel combines traditional French decor with all of the modern amenities.
  • blend with any room decor.
  • Quot said sparrow wooden crosses to decor to recall.
  • While improving the digs is an integral part of the Diner Dash experience -- buying more tables, expanding the decor, getting a karaoke stage, and so on -- it doesn't make as much sense in this context as in previous incarnations.
  • The restaurant is appointed in a decor that suits the colonial origins of the building, making it a quiet, lovely place to get a good meal.
  • a decor that strained too hard to convey class