overwhelmed - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of overwhelmed in Hindi

  • अभिभूत
  • व्याकुल
  • व्यग्र
  • घबराया हुआ

overwhelmed Definition


  • to affect (someone) very strongly

overwhelmed Example

  • He must have been overwhelmed with the responsibility - and guilt. ( वह जिम्मेदारी से अभिभूत हो गया होगा - और अपराध बोध। )
  • She felt suddenly overwhelmed by loneliness. ( वह अचानक अकेलेपन से अभिभूत महसूस कर रही थी। )
  • She rubbed her face, overwhelmed by her day. ( उसने अपना चेहरा रगड़ा, अपने दिन से अभिभूत। )
  • Carmen gazed down at Matthew, overwhelmed with the joy of motherhood. ( मातृत्व की खुशी से अभिभूत, कारमेन ने मैथ्यू को देखा। )

More Sentence

  • She managed a smile, too overwhelmed by her emotions to speak.
  • I think she was overwhelmed by the idea of being a star.
  • Zarko was overwhelmed by it all.
  • He went away utterly overwhelmed.
  • Glenelle was overwhelmed by that.
  • We should not be overwhelmed by.
  • The fumes overwhelmed her senses.
  • The zombies overwhelmed the humans.
  • The clutter of it overwhelmed him.
  • Sometimes the grief overwhelmed me.
  • I was overwhelmed by the moment.
  • He looked overwhelmed for a moment.
  • The emotions that had overwhelmed.
  • I am overwhelmed and can‘t cope?).
  • A feeling of death overwhelmed her.
  • Distant alarm was overwhelmed by need.
  • Kiera was hungry and overwhelmed once again.
  • She took a step back, overwhelmed by the scene before her.
  • It's normal to feel overwhelmed sometimes by the depth of your love.