own up - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of own up in Hindi

  • मान लो

own up Definition


  • admit to having done something wrong or embarrassing.

own up Example

  • The headmaster is waiting for someone to own up. ( प्रधानाध्यापक किसी के इंतजार में है। )
  • I advise you to own up at once. ( मैं आपको एक ही बार में सलाह देता हूं। )
  • Come on, own up. Who broke it? ( चलो, खुद ही उठो। इसे किसने तोड़ा? )
  • shakers in all fields own up to the Heimat feeling. ( सभी क्षेत्रों में शेखर हीमात भावना के मालिक हैं। )
  • The only issue is that portion of drinkers who are juiceheads but won't own up to it.  ( एकमात्र मुद्दा यह है कि शराब पीने वालों के हिस्से जो रसदार होते हैं, लेकिन इसके पास खुद नहीं होंगे। )

More Sentence

  • But since we has grown up a bit, got mature, we n own up a bit, got mature, we n ow onl y throw them th e bre ads.
  • Several anglers meanwhile did own up to missing bites, which proved costly.  
  • But now, serious publications have articles on Heimat; movers and shakers in all fields own up to the Heimat feeling.
  • He said a bonus of the system was that criminals were far more likely to own up once they saw themselves on camera.
  • Afraid to own up to the truth, she takes out a huge loan and buys a replica to return to her rich friend.  
  • Passion requires that you own up whatever you take up, no matter how small or seemingly unimportant.  
  • That was to his credit, as many people did the opposite and people should be encouraged to own up for their wrong doings.
  • Both, understandably, want to talk about where they go from here, but they have to own up to what went wrong.
  • At last, in cautious murmurs, they own up that they are wide awake, and far from tranquil.
  • To get workers charged up, he exhorts his troops to act like entrepreneurs, take risks, and own up to failure quickly.
  • If your potential date doesn't own up to mistakes, blaming others instead, this is a person you don't want to get involved with.
  • Although you seldom own up to a mistake, you have enough sense to lie low until the storm blows over.
  • You’d better own up that you were responsible for the traffic accident.
  • He still wouldn’t own up to the fact that he’d lied.
  • He was too frightened to own up to his mistake.
  • I’m still waiting for someone to own up to the breakages.
  • If no one will own up to misbehaving, all pupils will be kept in after school.
  • TranslateEN.com is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
  • Bates, however, decided yesterday to play fair and own up about his mistress.
  • Almost every environmental organization would have to own up to the occasional creative exaggeration of the facts.
  • Not if you own up to it, anyway.
  • Putting your own up will help share the joy of the game and the thrill of a cheer well done.
  • Why don't you just own up and hope she forgives you?
  • You'd better own up that you were responsible for the traffic accident.
  • He still wouldn't own up to the fact that he'd lied.
  • He was too frightened to own up to his mistake.
  • I'm still waiting for someone to own up to the breakages.
  • If no one will own up to misbehaving, all pupils will be kept in after school.
  • Sentencedict.com is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
  • Not if you own up to it, anyway.
  • Bates, however, decided yesterday to play fair and own up about his mistress.
  • Almost every environmental organization would have to own up to the occasional creative exaggeration of the facts.