censure - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of censure in Hindi

  • निंदा
  • आक्षेप
  • झकड़ी
  • दोष
  • अपराधी ठहराना
  • घोर भर्त्सना


  • आक्षेप करना
  • निंदा करना
  • झिकड़ी देना

censure Definition


  • express severe disapproval of (someone or something), typically in a formal statement. ( (किसी या कुछ) के गंभीर अस्वीकृति को व्यक्त करते हैं, आमतौर पर एक औपचारिक बयान में। )


  • the expression of formal disapproval. ( औपचारिक अस्वीकृति की अभिव्यक्ति। )

censure Example

  • Both men, in previous guises, have drawn severe judicial censure , for their actions against the CFMEU. ( सीएफएमईयू के खिलाफ अपने कार्यों के लिए, दोनों पुरुषों ने पिछले दिनों में, गंभीर न्यायिक निंदा की है। )
  • I'm surprised that the council leader has had no word of censure for the embarrassment caused to his administration for this abuse of office. ( मुझे आश्चर्य है कि परिषद के नेता के पास कार्यालय के इस दुरुपयोग के लिए उनके प्रशासन को हुई शर्मिंदगी के लिए कोई शब्द नहीं है। )
  • If the teacher refuses to do so, he will be open to public censure and criticism from his superiors, further warnings and potential expulsion. ( यदि शिक्षक ऐसा करने से इनकार करता है, तो वह अपने वरिष्ठों से सार्वजनिक निंदा और आलोचना के लिए खुला रहेगा, आगे की चेतावनी और संभावित निष्कासन। )
  • two MPs were singled out for censure ( सेंसर के लिए दो सांसदों को चुना गया )
  • angry delegates offered a resolution of censure against the offenders ( नाराज प्रतिनिधियों ने अपराधियों के खिलाफ सेंसरशिप का प्रस्ताव पेश किया )

More Sentence

  • China, which prides itself in its trade with the U.S., is the favorite target of disapproval and censure .
  • Dr Lederman accepted his censure , reprimand and a £2,777 fine, documents show.
  • The investigation ended with much tongue-wagging but no formal censure .
  • The South African document singles out the trans-Atlantic slave trade for censure .
  • Only Beckett seems to have escaped censure , because of his elegance and self-restraint.
  • In both cases, strong censure of practitioners followed public attention.
  • He assailed any attempt to single out ‘only one country in the world, Israel, for censure and abuse’.
  • Mr. Wilson disappoints and offers gossip, censure and critical summary.
  • There are lawyers who admitted to taking their clients money, and yet they receive no censure , nor have their licence lifted to practice law.
  • I would not want the U.S. Senate to write a resolution of censure against you as a Jewish man.
  • His sometimes droll remarks might annoy some readers, but to me they seem a very effective way of delivering not just censure but also ridicule.
  • If your father allows you to swear at your mother without censure , it's horrible and reprehensible, but a private matter.
  • Louise McMullan, one of the officers singled out for censure , claimed that the protest had been a success and wanted to thank all those who took part.
  • In the boycott by the Association of University Teachers, what has been expressed is not criticism or censure but vilification.'
  • Each of the terrible ten is accompanied by a helpful little paragraph explaining just why it merits our censure .
  • they paid the price in social ostracism and family censure
  • Her photos of circus freaks and those on the margins of society earned her praise as well as censure from critics.
  • The point made by the Israeli NGOs and delegations was; why single out Israel for censure ?
  • The external relations officer asserted that if the board censured him, they would be preventing him from fulfilling his duties.
  • Meanwhile he had been recalled to Adelaide and summoned before a Royal Commission where he was censured and criticized.
  • Committee A is persuaded that the actions against the two professors are censurable .
  • Douglas indeed seemed to be trying to have it both ways, claiming to have an open mind pending full disclosure of the evidence and yet also hinting that he found McCarthy's conduct censurable .
  • However, there is no reason why a human system for judging and formally censuring the behaviour of others should be a slave to the vagaries of chance.
  • However, recently he was censured for dangling his baby son Bob near the open jaws of a crocodile and forced to make an apology to his millions of fans.
  • Chao also pointed to the Ministry of Finance for ‘lapses in its supervisory responsibilities,’ adding that the Control Yuan does not rule out censuring the ministry.