ghee - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of ghee in Hindi


  • घी
  • घृत

ghee Definition


  • clarified butter made from the milk of a buffalo or cow, used in South Asian cooking.

ghee Example

  • a delicious meal cooked in ghee ( घी में पका हुआ स्वादिष्ट भोजन )
  • The principal staples include wheat, oilseeds, raw cotton, indigo, sugar, molasses, timber and forest produce, dry-stuffs, ghee, opium and tobacco. ( प्रमुख स्टेपल्स में गेहूँ, तिलहन, कच्चा कपास, नील, चीनी, गुड़, इमारती लकड़ी और वन उत्पाद, सूखा सामान, घी, अफीम और तम्बाकू शामिल हैं। )
  • The adult women would be making ghee from the milk and preparing food. ( बड़ी उम्र की औरतें दूध से घी बना रही होंगी और खाना बना रही होंगी। )
  • Add the Ketchup and desi ghee to the mixture and stir again ( मिश्रण में केचप और देसी घी डालकर फिर से चलाएं )

More Sentence

  • Q: Imagine a pot of ghee
  • breaks, the Ghee remains and can be transferred to another
  • It is a ritual performed in front of a holy fire in which clarified butter (ghee) is offered as a sacrifice
  • In a large saucepan over high heat, melt the ghee
  • Heat ghee in a large sauce pan over moderate heat
  • water, ghee and salt to the boil in a heavy saucepan with a well-fitting lid
  • Heat ghee or oil in a large, heavy saucepan and fry the sliced onion with the
  • In this primeval, or rather timeless because ever-proceeding, sacrifice, time itself, in the shape of its unit the year, is made to take its part, inasmuch as the three seasons - spring, summer and autumn - of which it consists, constitute the ghee (clarified butter), the offering-fuel and the oblation respectively.
  • 5 tablespoons ghee ( available at Indian markets ) OR peanut oil
  • 3 tablespoons ghee ( available at Indian markets ) OR vegetable oil
  • 4 tablespoons ghee ( available at Indian markets ) OR vegetable oil
  • It is often eaten along with honey, ghee and tea.
  • Once cooked, chapati is often topped with butter or ghee.
  • Ghee Hin was initially dominated by the Foochow form smaller minorities.
  • Ghee and Ornamental stone production is a major business in Kangayam.
  • Festive foods like laddoo, ghee and sweet potatoes are distributed.
  • It is not served with dal and lassi but mostly ghee.
  • It's difficult to see ghee in a sentence .
  • Ghee is used to prevent it from sticking to the pan.
  • The food here is spicy and is served with large amounts of ghee.
  • Besides coffee there is a large trade in durra, the kat plant (used by the Mahommedans as a drug), ghee, cattle, mules and camels, skins and hides, ivory and gums. The import trade is largely in cotton goods, but every kind of merchandise is included.