blowtorch - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of blowtorch in Hindi
- टांका लगाने का यंत्र
- टांका लगाने का यंत्र
blowtorch Definition
- a portable device producing a hot flame that is directed onto a surface, typically to solder metal. ( एक गर्म उपकरण का उत्पादन करने वाला एक पोर्टेबल उपकरण, जिसे सतह पर निर्देशित किया जाता है, आमतौर पर धातु को मिलाप करने के लिए। )
blowtorch Example
- Usually a lot of boiling takes care of the problem, but in the most extreme examples, knives with wooden handles have to be thrown out and ovens have to be cleaned with a blowtorch . ( आमतौर पर बहुत सारे उबाल समस्या का ख्याल रखते हैं, लेकिन सबसे चरम उदाहरणों में, लकड़ी के हैंडल के साथ चाकू को बाहर फेंकना पड़ता है और ओवन को ब्लोकेर्ट से साफ करना पड़ता है। )
- The highlight was when my friends, who are as yet unjaded by simple kitchen magic, witnessed the cook using a blowtorch to broil the cheese on the soup. ( इस बात पर प्रकाश डाला गया कि मेरे दोस्त, जो साधारण रसोई के जादू से अभी तक अछूते हैं, ने सूप पर पनीर को उबालने के लिए एक ब्लोकेर्ट का उपयोग करते हुए खाना देखा। )
- No matter how hot a blowtorch burns, it doesn't shed much light. ( कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि कितना ब्लोटरच जलता है, यह बहुत प्रकाश नहीं बहाता है। )
- Zack: ‘It looks as though I'm gonna have to use the portable blowtorch to melt the ice.’ ( Zack: as ऐसा लगता है जैसे मैं बर्फ को पिघलाने के लिए पोर्टेबल ब्लोकेरटेक का उपयोग करने वाला हूं। ' )
- He later founded and sold a company that provided cable-TV programs for college students, such as a late-night cooking show that once demonstrated how to make baked Alaska with a blowtorch . ( बाद में उन्होंने एक कंपनी की स्थापना की और बेची, जिसने कॉलेज के छात्रों के लिए केबल-टीवी कार्यक्रम प्रदान किए, जैसे कि देर रात खाना पकाने का शो जो एक बार एक झटका देने वाले अलास्का बनाने का प्रदर्शन करता था। )
- The price includes copper piping and sheeting and the use of tools, including a blowtorch and a pipe-cutter. ( कीमत में कॉपर पाइपिंग और शीटिंग और उपकरण का उपयोग शामिल है, जिसमें एक ब्लोकोरच और एक पाइप-कटर भी शामिल है। )
- ‘Yeah and everyone just happens to have a blowtorch lying around the house,’ Alexander added, finally able to regain control. ( अलेक्जेंडर ने कहा कि हां, और हर किसी के पास बस घर के आसपास एक ब्लोटरच होने के लिए होता है, आखिरकार नियंत्रण हासिल करने में सक्षम। )
More Sentence
- In others, he burns an old computer with a blowtorch and demonstrates the safe way to smash a monitor.
- The contraption is a cross between a blowtorch ad chain saw.
- The ramekin dish was topped with slices of banana and strawberry, but underneath the fruit someone had been a little heavy-handed with the blowtorch , and what should have been crispy toffee was actually burnt sugar.
- Picking up one of his tools, a small blowtorch , he set to work with a vengeance.
- She held a plastic blowtorch in her right hand; its blue cellophane flame penetrating the stocking at her thigh.
- His recipes sound terrific, but he must have a much neater juicer than mine, which takes an age to clean and is now gathering dust next to the sandwich-maker and the blowtorch for making crème brulee.
- Currently, we seal one end of the capillary by touching the very extreme of the capillary with the flame of a blowtorch , which fuses the silica together.
- My portion of braised veal trotters seemed to have been overbraised by a week or two, and the lamb sausages tasted faintly of gas, as if they'd been blasted with a blowtorch .
- His assistants support the vessel, and use blowtorches to keep it warm.
- These range from fires ignited by blowtorches involved in paint stripping, to electrical appliances and other equipment which may have been stored in a damp garage or shed over the winter period.
- Even with arenas packed with blowtorches and buzz-saws and giant hammers, there was only so much appliance warfare I could take.
- And, while the heavy machinery digs and sifts, construction workers use blowtorches to cut away the intertwined sections of steel, which is contorted like giant pretzels.
- There are shots from the ground of men with blowtorches in surgical masks, while subtitles that plaintively ask, ‘Why are they making me?’