corona - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of corona in Hindi
- कोरोना
corona Definition
- a part of the body resembling or likened to a crown.
- the rarefied gaseous envelope of the sun and other stars. The sun's corona is normally visible only during a total solar eclipse, when it is seen as an irregularly shaped pearly glow surrounding the darkened disk of the moon.
- the cup-shaped or trumpet-shaped outgrowth at the center of a daffodil or narcissus flower.
- a part of a cornice having a broad vertical face.
- a long, straight-sided cigar.
corona Example
- A fully developed corona is perhaps the finest form of aurora. ( एक पूर्ण विकसित कोरोना शायद अरोरा का सबसे अच्छा रूप है। )
- In architecture, the term "corona" is used of that part of a cornice which projects over the bed mould and constitutes the chief protection to the wall from rain; it is always throated, and its soffit rises towards the wall. ( वास्तुकला में, "कोरोना" शब्द का उपयोग कंगनी के उस हिस्से के लिए किया जाता है जो बिस्तर के सांचे पर प्रोजेक्ट करता है और बारिश से दीवार को मुख्य सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है; यह हमेशा गले में होता है, और इसका सोफिट दीवार की ओर बढ़ जाता है। )
- The corona civica, made of oak leaves with acorns, was bestowed on the soldier who in battle saved the life of a Roman citizen. ( एकोर्न के साथ ओक के पत्तों से बना कोरोना सिविक, उस सैनिक को दिया गया जिसने युद्ध में एक रोमन नागरिक की जान बचाई थी। )
- - Stephalia corona, a young colony. ( - स्टेफलिया कोरोना, एक युवा कॉलोनी। )
- known as the corona glandis. ( कोरोना ग्लैंडिस के रूप में जाना जाता है। )
More Sentence
- Corona, and the cathedral, and several pictures also in the picture gallery; while his son Benedetto had greater merits as an engraver than a painter.
- A volume entitled Opera posthuma (Leiden, 1703) contained his "Dioptrica," in which the ratio between the respective focal lengths of object-glass and eye-glass is given as the measure of magnifying power, together with the shorter essays De vitris figurandis, De corona et parheliis, &c. An early tract De ratiociniis tin ludo aleae, printed in 16J7 with Schooten's Exercitationes mathematicae, is notable as one of the first formal treatises on the theory of probabilities; nor should his investigations of the properties of the cissoid, logarithmic and catenary curves be left unnoticed.
- These coronagraphs produce images of the " emission line corona.
- When thin clouds scud across a bright moon it is often surrounded by a bright disk and faint colored rings, a lunar corona.
- Demosthenes (De corona, p. 313) mentions various ceremonies practised during the celebration of the mysteries of this deity.