cries - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cries in Hindi

  • रोता

cries Definition


  • cavity formation in teeth caused by bacteria that attach to teeth and form acids in the presence of sucrose, other sugars, and refined starches; tooth decay.

cries Example

  • Their cries are faint squeaks and grunts. ( उनका रोना बेहोश चीख़ और घुरघुराना है। ) 
  • The hare in its extremity cries like a child. ( खरगोश अपने चरम पर एक बच्चे की तरह रोता है। )
  • The cries from the gates ceased. ( फाटकों से रोना बंद हो गया। )
  • A child cries in her sleep, any night, for any number of reasons. ( एक बच्चा किसी भी रात, कई कारणों से अपनी नींद में रोता है। )

More Sentence

  • With piercing war cries, two forms broke from the horde before her.
  • And cries of horror were heard in the crowd.
  • In the first, John describes how the Baptist, on Jesus' approach, cries " Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of, the world "; and how he says " I saw the spirit descending upon Him, and I bore witness that this is the Son of God."
  • "If a voice cries out in pain in the night," I tell them, "it's only that the love of my life needs her medication readjusted.
  • He was in a state of physical suffering as if from corporal punishment, and could not avoid expressing it by cries of anger and distress.
  • His cries rose above the thunderous clamour of combat that was drawing nearer to the city.
  • He needs to know the different calls and cries of his family, and what they all mean.
  • There were cries and curses, as men emptied their revolvers and then clinched in deadly struggle.
  • It was repeated to the others, and went round the ring with low cries of incredulity.
  • The women passed it from hand to hand, nursing it for a few minutes with little cries of emotion.
  • A number of boatmen were standing near, evidently alarmed by the war cries in the woods.
  • A day or two afterward, in the dusk of early morning, he heard the distressful cries of an owl.
  • Pilsach was a brave man, and Notutu now sits in the house and cries without end.
  • From behind came the cries of the hunters, but the pace Mauriri led them was heartbreaking.
  • His voice rose in shrill entreaty, mixed with the cries of the shopmen and the noise of the streets.
  • From behind now arose a mighty tumult, and shouts and cries as of triumph thundered from the city walls.
  • Mrs Yabsley had listened with a perplexing smile to her companion's cries of indignation.
  • This tale is now regarded as legendary, and the same remark also applies to the tradition that the cries Hi Welfen, hi Wibelinen, were first raised at this siege.
  • appointed him regent in July 1827 and in February 1828 he landed in Lisbon, where he was received with cries of " Viva D.
  • Almost all day long the house resounded with their running feet, their cries, and their spontaneous laughter.
  • He heard supernatural voices proclaiming mercy to the faithful, vengeance on the guilty, and mighty cries that the wrath of God was at hand.
  • of England, he wished to negotiate personally with him at Pronne, and hardly had he reached that place when news arrived there of the revolt of Liege amid cries of Vive France.
  • Disturbed from the moor or marsh, where it has its nest, it rises swiftly into the air, conspicuous by its white back and rump, and uttering shrill cries flies round the intruder.
  • "Only once in my life to get an old wolf, I want only that!" thought he, straining eyes and ears and looking to the left and then to the right and listening to the slightest variation of note in the cries of the dogs.