diagonally - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of diagonally in Hindi

  • तिरछे
  • विकर्णन
  • कर्ण के रूप में
  • आड़े रूप्‍ में

diagonally Definition


  • in a diagonal direction.

diagonally Example

  • Now walk diagonally across the field toward a farmhouse ( अब एक फार्महाउस की ओर तिरछे पूरे मैदान में चलें )
  • Proceeding south-east, or diagonally across the country, he traversed 840 m. ( दक्षिण-पूर्व या देश भर में तिरछे चलते हुए, उन्होंने 840 मीटर की दूरी तय की। )
  • The Dutsides of the vases were entirely wrought by handwork, with the polishing lines crossing diagonally. ( फूलदानों के डटसाइड पूरी तरह से हस्तकला द्वारा गढ़ा गया था, जिसमें पॉलिशिंग लाइनें तिरछे पार करती थीं। )
  • He carried on across the road, hit the bike broadside, sending it sliding diagonally across toward us. ( वह सड़क के उस पार चला गया, बाइक को चौड़ा करके मारा, जिससे वह तिरछे होकर हमारी ओर खिसक गई। )
  • Lying Diagonally and taking over the whole bed could be a territorial issue, trying to exert dominance over your partner! ( तिरछे झूठ बोलना और पूरे बिस्तर पर कब्जा करना एक क्षेत्रीय मुद्दा हो सकता है, अपने साथी पर प्रभुत्व जमाने की कोशिश कर रहा है! )

More Sentence

  • Cross the stile and bear diagonally left across the field - keeping to the right of the excavated medieval dovecote.
  • Genetics vs. Lifestyle: Deepak Chopra And Dr. Gary Small Share Secrets To Mental And Physical Success
  • This is the dominant central feature of the Wonder Pod, and consists of diagonally opposite plantings of green and bronze fennel.
  • You can place them diagonally or overlapping one another instead of the basic block placement that picture albums dictate.
  • Many cottages and barns still have a reed matting which was woven diagonally and laid over the rafters and under the thatch.
  • The basic layout is a mirror-image L, with a seperate barn in the diagonally opposite corner.
  • You can only move the piece one space forward diagonally.
  • To take your opponents pieces, jump over his piece diagonally and land in an empty square.
  • Slowly back away diagonally from the bear.
  • Slice the duck breasts diagonally and arrange on a plate.
  • The best bed placement is on a solid wall diagonally across from the entrance - This placement allows you to see anyone entering the bedroom.
  • Climb diagonally right to gain the nose of the overhanging prow.
  • The dark colors move first and pieces travel one square diagonally left or right.
  • Checkers - A two-player strategy game in which players move their game pieces diagonally across the board, capturing their opponent's game pieces along the way.
  • A sequence is formed when five chips of the same color are consecutive in a row, column or diagonally.
  • The direction of the row can be up, down, across or diagonally across the game board.
  • They move in a similar manner, except that instead of moving horizontally and vertically they can only move diagonally.
  • They can move horizontally, vertically or diagonally, for as many spaces as the board allows.
  • All pieces capture by moving as outlined above except for pawns, which move one space diagonally for capture moves only.
  • Bishop-The bishop moves any number of squares diagonally, provided no piece blocksits path.
  • A player can only move his game pieces diagonally in a forward direction.
  • If your purse has a long shoulder strap, drape it over your head so that the strap crosses your body diagonally.