behalf - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of behalf in Hindi
- पक्ष
- की ओर से
- हेतु
- कारण
- उसके वास्ते
- पक्ष
behalf Definition
- in the interests of a person, group, or principle. ( किसी व्यक्ति, समूह या सिद्धांत के हितों में। )
- as a representative of. ( के प्रतिनिधि के रूप में। )
- on the part of; done by. ( इसके भाग के रूप में; कृत। )
behalf Example
- he campaigned on behalf of the wrongly convicted four ( उन्होंने गलत तरीके से दोषी ठहराए गए चार की ओर से अभियान चलाया )
- votes cast by labor unions on behalf of their members ( अपने सदस्यों की ओर से श्रमिक संघों द्वारा डाले गए वोट )
- he had to attend the funeral on Mama's behalf ( उन्हें मामा की ओर से अंतिम संस्कार में शामिल होना था )
- this wasn't simply a philanthropic gesture on his behalf ( यह केवल उनकी ओर से एक परोपकारी इशारा नहीं था )
- The hospital is also keen to hear from those interested in fundraising on its behalf . ( अस्पताल भी अपनी ओर से धन उगाहने के इच्छुक लोगों से सुनने के लिए उत्सुक है। )
- That means if someone starts to campaign on their behalf , so to speak, and breaks the rules, they can be held liable. ( इसका मतलब है कि अगर कोई अपनी ओर से प्रचार करना शुरू करता है, तो बोलने के लिए, और नियमों को तोड़ने के लिए, उन्हें उत्तरदायी ठहराया जा सकता है। )
- As customers, our share of that pain may well depend on the negotiating skills and attributes of the public representatives negotiating on our behalf at that time. ( ग्राहकों के रूप में, उस दर्द का हमारा हिस्सा उस समय हमारी ओर से बातचीत कर रहे जनप्रतिनिधियों के बातचीत कौशल और विशेषताओं पर निर्भर हो सकता है। )
More Sentence
- Shouldn't we at least be able to send one representative on our behalf ?
- In the previously more common subsidized loan, the state pays the interest on the student 's behalf while he or she is attending school.
- Our government has consistently refused to make representations on their behalf .
- In turn, the organization will negotiate on your behalf for lower interest rates and a more convenient payment option.
- The process took two years to complete and represented an enormous commitment on their behalf .
- He therefore desired me when I got home to consider myself a representative and to speak on their behalf in my own tongue.
- Water voles are making a comeback in East Yorkshire, thanks to backing from farmers and landowners for a campaign on their behalf .