sweet heart - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of sweet heart in Hindi
- प्रिय
- प्रेमी या प्रेमिका
sweet heart Definition
- a person with whom someone is having a romantic relationship.
- denoting an arrangement or agreement reached privately by two sides in an unofficial or illicit way.
sweet heart Example
- Come on sweetheart, it's you and me now. (आओ जानेमन, अब हम और तुम हैं। )
- Family members have been buying gifts for your sweetheart for years. ( परिवार के सदस्य सालों से आपके प्रिय के लिए उपहार खरीदते आ रहे हैं। )
- He married his childhood sweetheart. ( उन्होंने अपनी बचपन की प्यारी से शादी की। )
- Do you want a drink, sweetheart? ( क्या आप एक पेय चाहते हैं, जानेमन? )
More Sentence
- "Oh, you're a sweetheart, " she said, when I placed the breakfast tray on her lap.
- The couple had been ' childhood sweethearts ' but had ' gone their own ways ' during the war, each having had other relationships.
- Indeed, they are more than sweethearts.
- Paradise Birds Dress A stunning dress with a sweetheart neckline and gently gathered skirt.
- Mr Lowe has just celebrated six months of wedded bliss to his sweetheart Ellen.
- She has been eavesdropping on her brother and his sweetheart.
- It is reported that the prince ran away to France with his sweetheart.
- Afterwards their wives and sweethearts arrived to stroll, play sports or listen to music.
- However, the young ladies have been reluctant to approach their status-conscious father, as their sweethearts are commoners.
- In 1937 he married his college sweetheart.
- A sweetheart, this little lady, not bad legs either.
- Jane Russell bore a striking resemblance to Sweetheart.
- Sweetheart, let me button your sweater.
- Sweetheart, I've got good news for you.
- He stole a furtive glance at Sweetheart.
- Find out how to plan an unforgettable and romantic proposal your sweetheart will love.
- Darling, sweetheart, come here!