far - fetched - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of far - fetched in Hindi
- असुगम
- क्लिष्ट
far - fetched Definition
- unlikely and unconvincing; implausible.
far - fetched Example
- the theory sounded bizarre and far-fetched (सिद्धांत विचित्र और दूर की कौड़ी लग रहा था)
- While some of his tools are a little far-fetched, many are actual tools of the trade. (जबकि उनके कुछ उपकरण थोड़े दूर की कौड़ी हैं, कई व्यापार के वास्तविक उपकरण हैं।)
- It might be a little far fetched to say that a lime green handbag can sustain your optimism for the entirety of your trip, but it's certainly a striking piece of fashion. (यह कहना थोड़ा दूर की कौड़ी हो सकता है कि चूने के हरे रंग का हैंडबैग आपकी पूरी यात्रा के लिए आपके आशावाद को बनाए रख सकता है, लेकिन यह निश्चित रूप से फैशन का एक आकर्षक टुकड़ा है।)
- I know it probably sounds a little far fetched. (मुझे पता है कि यह शायद थोड़ा दूर की कौड़ी लगता है।)
- The settings allow for anything to be possible yet at the same time not seeming too far-fetched. (सेटिंग्स कुछ भी संभव होने की अनुमति देती हैं फिर भी एक ही समय में बहुत दूर की कौड़ी नहीं लगती हैं।)
More sentences
- However, the latter possible errors are rather far-fetched.
- A Swansea escape seems so far-fetched, however Hollins is refusing to throw in the towel.
- The theory that doom-laden warnings are being used to scare the public into the Labor fold appears far-fetched.
- Nearly all of them activate utterly discordant ' sympathetic resonances ' within my awareness; they seem to me altogether too far-fetched!
- Nearly all of them activate utterly discordant ' sympathetic resonances ' within my awareness; they seem to me altogether too far-fetched !
- While he is sometimes self-loathing and sometimes self-exalting, his adventures are far fetched enough to be interesting but not so far fetched that kids can't imagine themselves in Greg's shoes.
- But with the current trend in gaming and the pattern established by the lovelorn age of gamers, it isn't as far fetched as you may think.
- This term "technology" may sound loaded where footwear is considered, but it is not that far fetched when you consider what goes into the design of a humble cleat.
- The style is far out, but not far fetched.
- She nodded and accepted Evelyn's far-fetched explanations just as she might nod and temporarily accept the equally unreal world of Star Wars.