disrespectfully - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of disrespectfully in Hindi

  • अभद्रतापूर्वक

disrespectfully Definition


  • characterized by, having, or showing disrespect; lacking courtesy or esteem

disrespectfully Example

  • When a guy starts behaving disrespectfully that is a neon sign something is wrong and that is something to worry about. ( जब कोई व्यक्ति अनादरपूर्ण व्यवहार करना शुरू कर देता है तो यह एक नियॉन संकेत है, कुछ गलत है और यह चिंता की बात है। )
  • The Russian muzhik often brings God and the angels into his folk-tales, and does so without the least idea of treating them disrespectfully. ( रूसी मुज़िक अक्सर भगवान और स्वर्गदूतों को अपनी लोक-कथाओं में लाता है, और ऐसा उनके साथ अनादर का व्यवहार करने के कम से कम विचार के बिना करता है। )
  • I would by no means speak disrespectfully of any relation of yours, madam. ( मैडम मैं आपके किसी भी रिश्ते के बारे में कभी भी अनादर नहीं बोलूंगा। )
  • He was not used to being addressed to disrespectfully, but this young woman’s anger did not move him. ( उसे अनादर से संबोधित करने की आदत नहीं थी, लेकिन इस युवती के गुस्से ने उसे हिलाया नहीं। )

More Sentence

  • I know that he behaved disrespectfully to you once but, since then, he has suffered the torments of Job.
  • Paula Abdul's manager recently came forward saying that producers for the uber-popular singing competition have been treating her disrespectfully and behaving in an all around mean way to their client.
  • There in the cell you blamed me for behaving disrespectfully just because I spoke of eating gudgeon, Pyotr Alexandrovitch.
  • Poor Sir Thomas, who was glad to see you? Yet, Fanny, do not imagine I would now speak disrespectfully of Sir Thomas, though I certainly did hate him for many a week.
  • For instance, when someone nags, fights, or reacts disrespectfully, substance abusers use these reactions to shift the problem’s focus onto the enabler’s behavior.
  • The Essenes used to speak disrespectfully enough of 'Ye men of Galilee,' no doubt.
  • Louis," said he, "I will not hear any one speak disrespectfully of Miss Leicester.
  • He did not wish to show more respect than was absolutely necessary to a countryman, but he scarcely dared speak as disrespectfully as he felt.
  • Madame Bolande was really amazing to look at and if the girls spoke of her disrespectfully it was not surprising.
  • Oh, well! you won't like me to speak disrespectfully of that very dear creature, your aunt.
  • Timour taxed Hafiz with treating disrespectfully his two cities, to raise and adorn which he had conquered nations.
  • But H. P. was young then, and would not have hesitated to "speak disrespectfully of the equator" upon occasion.
  • With stories about celebrities and politicians behaving disrespectfully, it's more important than ever to counter these negative examples.
  • "One can't write so fast, your honor," said the clerk, glancing angrily and disrespectfully at Kozlovski.