calcium carbonate - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of calcium carbonate in Hindi
- कैल्शियम कार्बोनेट
calcium carbonate Definition
- a white, insoluble solid occurring naturally as chalk, limestone, marble, and calcite, and forming mollusk shells and stony corals. ( एक सफेद, अघुलनशील ठोस जो स्वाभाविक रूप से चाक, चूना पत्थर, संगमरमर और कैल्साइट के रूप में होता है, और मोलस्क के गोले और पथरीले कोरल बनाते हैं। )
calcium carbonate Example
- Researchers are exploring ways to convert carbon dioxide into calcium carbonate - the equivalent of dirt. ( शोधकर्ता कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड को कैल्शियम कार्बोनेट में बदलने के तरीके तलाश रहे हैं - गंदगी के बराबर। )
- Insoluble calcium carbonate is basically chalk. ( अघुलनशील कैल्शियम कार्बोनेट मूल रूप से चाक है। )
- Calcium is found in chalk, marble, and limestone, which are all forms of calcium carbonate . ( कैल्शियम चाक, संगमरमर और चूना पत्थर में पाया जाता है, जो कैल्शियम कार्बोनेट के सभी रूप हैं। )
- The correct, balanced chemical formula for calcium carbonate is CaCO 3. ( कैल्शियम कार्बोनेट के लिए सही, संतुलित रासायनिक सूत्र CaCO 3 है। )
- The shells of marine creatures are made of calcium carbonate , the same substance as chalk, which is vulnerable to acidity. ( समुद्री जीवों के गोले कैल्शियम कार्बोनेट से बने होते हैं, चाक के समान पदार्थ, जो अम्लता की चपेट में है। )
- Calcium supplements come in various forms with the most popular forms being calcium citrate and calcium carbonate . ( कैल्शियम की खुराक विभिन्न रूपों में आती है जिसमें सबसे लोकप्रिय रूप हैं कैल्शियम साइट्रेट और कैल्शियम कार्बोनेट। )
- Organisms as diverse as phytoplankton, corals, crabs and molluscs lay down limestone or calcium carbonate skeletons. ( फाइटोप्लांकटन, कोरल, केकड़ों और मोलस्क के रूप में विविध जीव चूना पत्थर या कैल्शियम कार्बोनेट कंकाल लेटते हैं। )
More Sentence
- Marl is a granular or loosely consolidated earthy material comprised largely of shell fragments and calcium carbonate precipitated in ponds.
- Close to the area of their formation these waters are well oxygenated, cold, and supersaturated with dissolved calcium carbonate .
- Maerl is composed of chalk - calcium carbonate - with an outer living plant layer.
- When water becomes supersaturated in dissolved calcium carbonate, solid calcium carbonate can grow by precipitation from the water.
- Mollusc shells are made primarily of calcium carbonate , with traces of strontium and other elements.
- Corals build their skeletons from waterborne calcium carbonate , the same mineral that makes limestone.
- Some spicules are formed of the mineralized substances calcium carbonate and silica, while others are made of an organic substance called spongin.
- Karst features are formed by the dissolution of calcium carbonate in limestone bedrock by mildly acidic groundwater.
- Stalactites grow when water laden with carbon dioxide and calcium carbonate drips from cracks or holes in the cave's ceiling.
- The skeletons of dead chromists accumulate on the floor of lakes and oceans, where they may become thick deposits of silica or calcium carbonate .
- Oolithic limestones are composed of calcium carbonate in concentric spheres that were produced by high wave energy.
- Antacids based on calcium carbonate have been used for over 2,000 years.
- Heating and agitation, after the introduction of sodium carbonate, precipitated calcium carbonate , and waste material settled.
- Members of the order and superfamily Craniacea have subcircular shells composed of calcium carbonate .
- When you make cement you make calcium oxide which can react with carbon dioxide and make calcium carbonate .
- Marine sediments are typically rich in calcium carbonate from shells, but increased acidity causes it to dissolve.
- Loosely speaking, calcium carbonate is limestone and there is an awful lot of limestone present throughout the world.
- Last year six British geologists went diving in Greenland in search of ikaite, a rare form of calcium carbonate , which grows from the fjord floor in columns.
- When the solution of calcium bicarbonate reaches the open cavern and the water evaporates, carbon dioxide is released and calcium carbonate remains.
- Hard deposits in the cells, such as calcium carbonate and silica, may have a pronounced dulling effect on cutting tools.
- Calcium carbonate is quite insoluble in water and sinks to the bottom.