deduce - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of deduce in Hindi

  • परिणाम निकालना
  • वंश का अन्वेषण करना
  • अनुमान करना
  • तर्क से पता लगाना
  • नतीजा निकालना
  • तर्क द्वारा निर्णय करना
  • निगमन करना

deduce Definition


  • arrive at (a fact or a conclusion) by reasoning; draw as a logical conclusion.

deduce Example

  • he cannot deduce his descent wholly by heirs male ( वह अपने वंश को पूरी तरह से वारिस नर द्वारा नहीं निकाल सकता )
  • It must be possible to deduce the actual world of facts from the first principle. ( तथ्यों की वास्तविक दुनिया को पहले सिद्धांत से निकालना संभव होना चाहिए। )
  • From these great columns of consumption we may logically deduce two prime points for our argument. ( उपभोग के इन महान स्तंभों से हम अपने तर्क के लिए तार्किक रूप से दो प्रमुख बिंदु निकाल सकते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • I deduce the time of high-water at full and change to be ten minutes past seven in the morning.
  • Evidentemente dalla presenza dell'ossido di carbonio si deduce la presenza dell'acido.
  • But categories which I so deduce must be forever limited to the role for which they are defined.
  • Swift, of course, was only deducing from the numbers.
  • Now they don't, or so she must deduce.
  • Surface wind speeds were then algorithmically deduced from these wave speeds.
  • From her very inflections you deduce that these are her people.
  • This, McCabe deduces convincingly, came from two other sources.
  • Microwaves that deduce from its moisture content whether food is done.
  • No matter how we may deduce facts, or reason from analogy, we obey fundamental principles.
  • I deduce the categories, for example, just in so far as I find them to be necessary to perception.
  • In other words, we ought to be able to deduce all the other Ideas from this one Idea.
  • But, Captain Holmes, what do you deduce from your observation of the wake of the House-boat?
  • I can only deduce the moral truths which are logically to be drawn from a career of wicked ambition.
  • For his allegory is a very flexible instrument, which can be employed at pleasure to deduce anything from anything.