rebukes - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of rebukes in Hindi
- फटकारते
- गाली
- फटकार
- झिड़की
- गाली देना
- निन्दा करना
- सुनाना
- फटकारना
- डांटना
rebukes Definition
- express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions.
- an expression of sharp disapproval or criticism.
rebukes Example
- It was unfair to punish him, but his rebuke still stung. ( उसे दंडित करना अनुचित था, लेकिन उसकी फटकार अभी भी डगमगा रही थी। )
- Even one second of tardiness to the biology lab would earn one a stern rebuke. ( जीव विज्ञान प्रयोगशाला में एक सेकंड की भी ढिलाई एक को कड़ी फटकार देगी। )
- Thus he paves the way for his tardy rebuke of present disorders, which he reserves until two-thirds of his epistle is completed. ( इस प्रकार वह वर्तमान विकारों के लिए अपनी धीमी फटकार का मार्ग प्रशस्त करता है, जिसे वह अपने पत्र का दो-तिहाई पूरा होने तक सुरक्षित रखता है। )
- Sofia watched him, stunned by his rebuke. ( सोफिया ने उसे देखा, उसकी फटकार से दंग रह गई। )
More Sentence
- She recalled his long sad and severe look at those words and understood the meaning of the rebuke and despair in that protracted gaze.
- He never rebukes harshly, out of malice, or to punish His children in any way.
- Who of you rebukes me for a sin? And if I speak the truth you do not believe me.
- Next minute he's saying, pity Yourself, and Jesus rebukes him and said, that's a devil.
- He who rebukes a man will find more favor afterward than he who flatters with the tongue.
- When God corrects, or rebukes, it is always to accomplish the purposes of His love in our lives.
- Upon it He rebukes haughty Israel, saying, Yet you say the way of the Lord is not equal? (Ezek.
- Yet the fruit produced from many of these types of rebukes, is usually the increase of a critical spirit in others.
- They hated wisdom and chose not the fear of the Lord; they were not willing to attend to my counsels they mocked at my rebukes.
- All of God’s corrections and rebukes are aimed at the wrong thoughts, mindsets, and ways that He wants to remove from our lives.
- Then he recalled the golden days of his childhood, his lack of courage had provided him strong rebukes by part of their caregivers.
- In fact the Pope in 1897 was obliged to send a severe rebuke to the clergy for their lack of consistency and zeal.
- His piety was genuine; simple and pure, he was shocked at any suggestion of impropriety, but his rebuke was only " Fie, for shame!
- The rebuke infuriated the Conservative deputies, who, protesting against Crispis words in the name of the sacred memories of their party, precipitated a division and placed the cabinet in a minority.
- Her teenage daughter stormed out of the house before she could begin her rebuke.
- I remember well that I received a severe rebuke from the captain for inattention to signals