fanned - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fanned in Hindi
- हवा दी
- हवा से उड़ाना
- पंखा झलना
- हवा नेना
- अनुरागी करना
fanned Definition
- cool (especially a person or a part of the body) by waving something to create a current of air.
- increase the strength of (a fire) by blowing on it or stirring up the air near it.
- disperse or radiate from a central point to cover a wide area.
fanned Example
- Cassie removed her hat and fanned her face. ( कैसी ने अपनी टोपी हटा दी और अपना चेहरा फँसा लिया। )
- The fire, fanned by the breeze, was rapidly spreading. ( हवा के झोंकों से फैली आग तेजी से फैलती जा रही थी। )
- The assistant squatted over her mid-section and fanned out her hair, positioning and repositioning it around her head. ( सहायक उसके मध्य भाग पर बैठ गई और उसके बालों को बाहर निकाल दिया, उसके सिर के चारों ओर स्थिति और स्थिति बदल दी। )
- The others fanned out, and she suddenly felt like a lamb surrounded by a wolf pack trying to decide what to do with her. ( अन्य लोग बाहर निकल गए, और उसे अचानक ऐसा लगा जैसे भेड़ियों के झुंड से घिरा हुआ एक मेमना यह तय करने की कोशिश कर रहा है कि उसके साथ क्या करना है। )
More Sentence
- She fanned the air with her hand.
- Sirian partnered with Rissa while the guards fanned out around them, one alert while the other four paired up to spar.
- He puffed away contentedly, while Nord fanned the air.
- The Wild Host fanned out behind Elowen, they waited in.
- Then he threw water over him and fanned him with a towel.
- He fanned his face with the newspaper, staring at my jaws.
- Suwanee’s squad of Marines fanned out around the bridge.
- Mmm? Ow, that’s still too hot, she fanned her mouth.
- They fanned her and looked at me as if I had slit her throat.
- In 1561, however, the enmity against him was fanned into flame by his adoption of Protestantism.
- The latent discontent of the allies was soon fanned into hostility by the intrigues of Mausolus, prince of Cardia, who was anxious to extend his kingdom.
- The material for the conflagration in Austria was thus all prepared when in February 1848 the fall of Louis Philippe fanned into a blaze the smouldering fires of revolution throughout Europe.
- Under his nominal rule, the Celts of the north and west, in 1385, became troublesome, while Robert's son, the Wolf of Badenoch, who was justiciary, with his own wild sons, rather fanned than extinguished the flames.