albatross - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of albatross in Hindi
- भारी अड़चन
- अल्बाट्रोस
- एलबेट्रॉस
- रुकावट
- भारी अड़चन
- एक बड़ा समुद्री पक्षी
- रोड़ा
albatross Definition
- a very large oceanic bird related to the shearwaters, with long narrow wings. Albatrosses, some species of which have wingspans greater than 10 feet (3.3 m), are found mainly in the southern oceans, with three kinds in the North Pacific. ( एक बहुत बड़ा समुद्री पक्षी जो लंबे संकीर्ण पंखों के साथ शियरवाटर्स से संबंधित है। एल्बाट्रोस, जिसकी कुछ प्रजातियां 10 फीट (3.3 मीटर) से अधिक पंख वाली होती हैं, मुख्य रूप से दक्षिणी महासागरों में पाई जाती हैं, जिसमें उत्तरी प्रशांत क्षेत्र में तीन प्रकार होते हैं। )
albatross Example
- Gary Evans has been a professional for 13 years and his albatross at the 4th hole was the first of his career. ( गैरी इवांस 13 साल के लिए एक पेशेवर रहे हैं और 4 वें होल पर उनका अल्बाट्रॉस उनके करियर का पहला था। )
- Thanks to his albatross and some solid golf thereafter he finished three under. ( अपने अल्बाट्रॉस और कुछ ठोस गोल्फ के लिए धन्यवाद इसके बाद वह तीन के नीचे समाप्त हो गया। )
- Taking measures to prevent the accidental capture of birds benefits both the albatross and the fishermen, since they can catch more fish if the hooks are not catching birds by mistake. ( पक्षियों के आकस्मिक कब्जे को रोकने के लिए उपाय करने से अल्बाट्रॉस और मछुआरों दोनों को लाभ होता है, क्योंकि वे अधिक मछली पकड़ सकते हैं यदि हुक गलती से पक्षियों को नहीं पकड़ रहे हैं। )
- In general, larger birds like the albatross tend to live longer than smaller species. ( सामान्य तौर पर, अल्बाट्रॉस जैसे बड़े पक्षी छोटी प्रजातियों की तुलना में अधिक समय तक जीवित रहते हैं। )
More Sentence
- In the modified stableford format, an albatross is worth eight points, an eagle five and a birdie two, while a par is worth nothing and players lose one point for a bogey and two for multiple bogeys.
- Instead, they see it as a problem, as a liability, as an albatross around our financial necks.
- Many of these vessels head for the southern oceans - to the major albatross feeding grounds.
- Queen Noor of Jordan is backing an albatross aptly named The Ancient Mariner.
- an albatross of a marriage
- Conservationists say unregulated fisheries in the southern oceans are endangering the albatross .
- The albatross has flown-the responsibility now rests on the observers of today and tomorrow to ensure it stays aloft.
- It is home to many birds such as albatross , penguins, cormorants, gulls and gannets, and the New Zealand fur seal, which can easily be seen from the road lazing around in rocky areas.
- However, the average student, in order simply to meet the expense of university education - even with parental support - is still burdened by the albatross of a £12,000 debt on leaving.
- The ultimate target was Primakov, but the Kremlin's strategy was first to blast Luzhkov so as to turn him into a burdensome, malodorous albatross around the former prime minister's neck.
- In America, the term double eagle is used instead of albatross to describe such a feat!
- No-one is hanging albatrosses around the necks of the writers or of the responders.
- There are hundreds of different types of birds including five types of penguins, albatrosses , and cara caras (a rare bird of prey).
- For me, it will always be a trip of a lifetime, as we were soon surrounded by a bewildering assortment of albatrosses , shearwaters and petrels, each a new species for us.
- Seabirds, particularly albatrosses and petrels, regularly grab the baited hooks.
- Among oceangoing avian species, albatrosses and frigatebirds are the quintessential seabirds.
- But seabirds such as albatrosses and petrels, which have large, tubular nostrils, are known to use scent clues to locate nesting sites and prey out at sea.
- Fishing experts estimate that about 60,000 sea birds including about 2,000 giant petrels and around 10,000 albatrosses are killed this way every year.
- In 2002, there were four albatrosses on the PGA Tour, versus 40 holes-in-one.
- It's penguins, albatrosses , caracaras, steamer ducks and a couple of endemic small jobs you've come for.
- Many of the oceanic birds, the petrels, the albatrosses , the penguins etc., nest on but one or a few islands and are completely dependent for survival on the integrity of these places.
- A birdwatcher 65 million years ago could have seen relatives of today's loons, geese and ducks, albatrosses and petrels, and gulls and shorebirds, and possibly other familiar birds as well.
- The black frigatebirds, with their sharply angled wings, ride rising thermals, whereas the white albatrosses , with their long narrow wings, catch a lift on a cold gale.
- It is unusual in that it is a dark albatross; most other albatrosses are predominantly white.
- Pteranodon was almost certainly a soaring animal; it used rising warm air to maintain altitude; a common strategy among large winged animals (among birds, albatrosses and vultures are adept at soaring).
- Flamingos are conceded by all to be closely linked to pelicans, albatrosses , loons, probably penguins, and the like - the charadriomorph lineage.