canary - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of canary in Hindi

  • पीतचटकी
  • कनारी चिड़िया


  • चमकीला ज़रद
  • केनारी टापू की मदिरा
  • एक गानेवाला पक्षी

canary Definition

  • a mainly African finch with a melodious song, typically having yellowish-green plumage. One kind is popular as a pet bird and has been bred in a variety of colors, especially bright yellow. ( 
  • a bright yellow color resembling the plumage of a canary. ( 
  • a sweet wine from the Canary Islands, similar to Madeira. ( 

canary Example

  • a canary waistcoat ( एक कैनरी वास्कट )
  • His drinks cellar would have been stocked with vast quantities of strong beer and small beer (a weaker brew), as well as a range of wines such as claret and canary . ( उनके पेय सेलर को बड़ी मात्रा में मजबूत बीयर और छोटी बीयर (एक कमजोर काढ़ा) के साथ स्टॉक किया जाता था, साथ ही साथ वाइन की एक श्रेणी जैसे कि क्लेयर और कैनरी। )
  • villas painted in canary yellow ( विला कैनरी पीले में चित्रित )
  • I replied negatively as he took off his purple hued sunglasses, fire engine-red leather jacket and canary yellow cashmere scarf. ( मैंने नकारात्मक रूप से जवाब दिया क्योंकि उसने अपने बैंगनी रंग के धूप के चश्मे, दमकल इंजन-लाल चमड़े की जैकेट और कनारी पीले कश्मीरी दुपट्टे को उतार लिया था। )
  • Billed as the story of the first genetically engineered animal, The Red Canary charts the obsession of Hans Duncker and his attempts in the 1930s to alter radically the genetic makeup of wild canaries to create a new species. ( पहले आनुवंशिक रूप से इंजीनियर जानवर की कहानी के रूप में बिल, रेड कैनरी ने हंस डंकेर के जुनून और 1930 के दशक में एक नई प्रजाति बनाने के लिए जंगली कैनरी के मूल रूप से आनुवंशिक मेकअप को बदलने के उनके प्रयासों को चार्ट किया। )

More Sentence

  • In the 19th century, underground coal miners carried canaries down into the shafts as their first line of defense against poisonous gases.
  • Reich had the bird breeder's equivalent of a green thumb, and was known among bird hobbyists for training canaries to sing the song of the nightingale.
  • There is nothing elegant about Monsella; it begins as it means to go on, bursting with exuberant primary colour, the canary yellow petals striped with blood red spilling over in every direction.
  • The family have always kept pets, Mrs Cotter said, and currently own cats, a dog and two parrots and some canaries .
  • Shakespeare refers to canary wine in Twelfth Night and The Merry Wives of Windsor.
  • The feathers were flying today over ‘tasteless’ plans by a school to make its uniform canary yellow .
  • Across the fields and hills, old stone cottages are crumbling into mossy graves while canary-yellow and pastel-pink Southfork-style houses spring up, with vast front lawns and inventive stone cladding.
  • The song of the canaries in a cage downstairs rings out throughout the whole restaurant.
  • When we're not confronted with concepts such as the three-legged trouser or underwear-as-outerwear, we're being asked to believe that canary-yellow is the new black, or that leggings deserve a revival.
  • Budgies, finches, sparrows and canaries are only a few of the more than one hundred kinds of birds people keep in their apartments.
  • Robinson has written an unpretentious and highly readable biography of Seacole, as vivid and colourful as the central character herself, in her favourite canary-yellow dress and blue bonnet trimmed with red ribbons.
  • He then disappeared, and presently entered with two earthen flagons, one filled with canary wine , the other with brandy.
  • The flowers are small and pale, canary-yellow , showing up well amongst the dark green foliage.
  • Along with camels, pigeons, donkeys, oxen, canaries , cats and dogs, the memorial remembers the eight million horses killed in the Great War alone.
  • This was considered as a trial of victory among these ‘canary birds,’ or bibbers of canary wine .
  • Contemporary black and white is seen with pale yellow, and canary yellow is flying over the trends horizon, so that's another option.
  • Small square cages are used for canaries , while thrushes are given larger round cages.
  • The smallest barrel organs were tiny instruments called sérinettes or ‘bird organs’, designed to make easy the constant repetition needed to teach canaries to sing favourite airs.
  • Scientists have really gotten interested in the brains of songbirds, particularly those birds that can keep learning new songs when they're adults, like canaries .
  • She was devoted to Mrs. Smith, to Mr. Smith, to their dogs, cats, canaries ; and as to Mrs. Smith's gray parrot, its peculiarities exercised upon her a positive fascination.
  • The existence of stem cells in the brain was first discovered in canaries and this discovery upset the received wisdom for many decades that the adult brain never gained new nerve cells.
  • The opposite corner is marked by a bright spray of canary yellow broccoli flowers, from a few side shoots we left in place when we harvested the crop.
  • We couldn't resist it from the moment we first cast eyes upon it, although it has to be admitted that the brilliant canary yellow we chose is not everyone's cup of tea.
  • As the names indicate, color-bred canaries are bred to attain specific colorations and song canaries for their singing abilities.
  • Beaming the sound of the birds' natural predators, such as geese or owls, at their roosts scares the canaries away from the power lines.