alienation - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of alienation in Hindi

  • अलगाव की भावना
  • अन्य संक्रामण
  • हस्तांतरण
  • विराग

alienation Definition

  • the state or experience of being isolated from a group or an activity to which one should belong or in which one should be involved. ( एक समूह या एक गतिविधि से अलग होने का राज्य या अनुभव जिसमें किसी को होना चाहिए या जिसमें किसी को शामिल होना चाहिए। )

alienation Example

  • The reasons for the alienation from the Democratic Party are not hard to find. ( डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी से अलगाव के कारणों को खोजना मुश्किल नहीं है। )
  • On thing Marx is known for is his theory of worker alienation . ( जिस चीज के लिए मार्क्स को जाना जाता है, वह उनके श्रमिक अलगाव का सिद्धांत है। )
  • Mass alienation from the political system is reflected in the dismal turnout at the polls - an estimated 38 or 39 percent, the second lowest in history. ( राजनीतिक प्रणाली से बड़े पैमाने पर अलगाव चुनाव में निराशाजनक मतदान में परिलक्षित होता है - अनुमानित 38 या 39 प्रतिशत, इतिहास में दूसरा सबसे कम। )
  • In the last general election alienation from the establishment political parties led to a voter strike. The result was the lowest turnout since universal suffrage was introduced. ( पिछले राजनीतिक चुनाव में स्थापना से राजनीतिक दलों ने मतदाता हड़ताल का नेतृत्व किया। सार्वभौमिक मताधिकार पेश किए जाने के बाद से परिणाम सबसे कम मतदान था। )

More Sentence

  • As the process is reflected upon, an effect of Brechtian alienation occurs, and the naturalization of genre is dismantled.
  • Like most kids, I had my own experience of alienation , but the urge to merge with the crowd was stronger than any sympathy I might have shared for another outcast.
  • We often felt, then, a profound sense of alienation from American culture and political life.
  • This was the theory of alienation whereby the audience, already familiar with the story line, does not get caught up with the narrative.
  • That's why it has excited our culture beyond any reasonable expectation: It helps to heal our alienation from our own experience.
  • A culture's excitement about the web is directly proportional to that culture's alienation from its everyday experience.
  • He also identified a sense of alienation from the political process, rather than apathy; a feeling of disengagement more likely to be found in areas of high deprivation.
  • But as in 2001, if anything these grim statistics underestimate the scale of public alienation from the political class.
  • In other words, they try to keep their addiction secret and suffer low self esteem and alienation as a result.
  • I think your analysis about the disconnection and alienation from communities and the consequences is spot on.
  • public alienation from bureaucracy
  • Chan says the situations in the novel genuinely reflect his experience, particularly the feeling of alienation that his hero experiences daily.
  • This situation of alienation is made worse by the ‘voucher system’ which applies to all refugees who, having no friends or relatives, are compelled to accept public housing.
  • The heart of the dialectic lies in Hegel's theory of alienation .
  • In those places, what is needed least of all is any sense of alienation from the political system.
  • More recently, Seeman suggested that normlessness and meaninglessness are manifestations of anomie rather than of alienation .
  • The two works amply demonstrate ways in which the separation of voice and image can be used by a director to create alienation in the audience and to shift the balance of power between characters on screen.
  • The teacher's certainty about his role, largely the result of alienation , asserts hierarchy.
  • This goes together with the complete absence of any sense of distance or alienation from the government they elected.
  • most leases contain restrictions against alienation
  • There is a deep degree of social alienation from the whole political process.
  • Another example of alienation arises when one joint tenant charges his interest in the property.
  • The relationship between fan and idol suffers from a tragic alienation or lack of consummation.
  • This implies first, that women must begin to overcome the alienation from, and learn again to be one with their bodies.
  • I think this Court has said on a couple of occasions that alienation is critical to ownership.
  • In this respect, transsexuality is little different from the various other ways in which people experience alienation from their bodies.