foetal - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of foetal in Hindi

  • भ्रूण
  • भ्रूण-विषयक
  • भ्रूण संबंधी
  • गर्भस्थ या अडस्थ शिशु संबंधी
  • भ्रूण-संबंधी

foetal Definition


  • relating to a fetus.

foetal Example

  • nutrients essential for normal foetal growth. ( भ्रूण के सामान्य विकास के लिए आवश्यक पोषक तत्व। )
  • The rebirth suspension is usually performed with 4 to 6 hooks in the back, with the suspendee in the foetal position, face down.  ( पुनर्जन्म निलंबन आमतौर पर पीठ में 4 से 6 हुक के साथ किया जाता है, भ्रूण की स्थिति में निलंबन के साथ, नीचे की ओर। )
  • he retired to his bed, curled in the foetal position. ( वह अपने बिस्तर पर सेवानिवृत्त हो गया, भ्रूण की स्थिति में घुमाया गया। )
  • Every morning, My Lovely Wife and I walk carefully around the yard, checking their progress and trying not to step anywhere a foetal flower might be growing, unseen. ( हर सुबह, मेरी प्यारी पत्नी और मैं यार्ड के चारों ओर सावधानी से चलते हैं, उनकी प्रगति की जांच करते हैं और कहीं भी कदम नहीं उठाने की कोशिश करते हैं, एक भ्रूण फूल बढ़ रहा है, अनदेखी। )
  • The naked body of the deceased is bundled in the foetal position before rigor mortis sets in. ( कठोर मोर्टिस सेट होने से पहले मृतक के नग्न शरीर को भ्रूण की स्थिति में बांधा जाता है। )
  • Most mummy bundles indicate burial in a foetal position.  ( अधिकांश ममी बंडल भ्रूण की स्थिति में दफन होने का संकेत देते हैं। )
  • When necessary the foetal position is altered to achieve better access to the trachea and to have trocar insertion in the upper half of the uterus as much as possible.  ( जब आवश्यक हो तो ट्रेकिआ तक बेहतर पहुंच प्राप्त करने और गर्भाशय के ऊपरी आधे हिस्से में जितना संभव हो सके ट्रोकार डालने के लिए भ्रूण की स्थिति को बदल दिया जाता है। )

More Sentence

  • And I discovered that the foetal position is not a good fallback when you're all alone in deep water.
  • Barely visible on the edge of the photo is her bare baby bump, which appears to be wrapped with a foetal heart monitor.
  • The video shows the band performing within a collage of pictures of buildings and people in the foetal position mixed with live action videos.
  • She climbed on to the bed and curled into a foetal position, her hands clasped tightly against her stomach.
  • It consisted of the skeleton of an adolescent human female aged approximately 15 years placed in a foetal position, facing to the west.
  • In the center of the cross, a small bronze infant measuring 10 long, 6 wide and 4 tall, is curled in the foetal position and facing proper left.
  • Cases of neonatal thrombocytopenia, of foetal or neonatal jaundice have been reported with maternal thiazide therapy.
  • Services include detailed foetal imaging with ultrasound exams and consultative services.
  • The tombs contained, in addition to the deceased (often found in the foetal position), personal items found in urns or deposited in niches.
  • Treating the cause of the pain often solves the foetal malposition as well, since then baby can often slip into an improved, or even optimal, foetal position.
  • Sarah had curled herself somehow into a foetal position in the other armchair and was watching the exchange intently.
  • This special, which at its climax finds its star hunched in a nearly foetal posture, hits jarring notes that have never been matched in this form.
  • Fetal monitoring using phonography involves the transcription and analysis of vibrations originating in the foetal.
  • This special, which at its climax finds its star hunched in a nearly foetal posture, hits jarring notes that have never been matched in this form.
  • Urinalysis, blood pressure and weight checks, fundal height measurement and foetal heart auscultation are performed routinely at each office visit.
  • In 2015, Davis—and eight other Democrats in the state Senate—voted for a bill proposed by then-North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory (R) that would have outlawed the sale of foetal parts.
  • The foetal position is also one of the most comfortable and familiar positions to the human, as they remain in the position for the last two trimesters of pregnancy.
  • The foetal heart rate should be monitored and where available a fetal scalp electrode should be placed.