clockwise - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of clockwise in Hindi

  • दक्षिणावर्त
  • घड़ी की सूई के अनुसार

clockwise Definition


  • in the same direction as the way in which the hands of a clock move around.


  • (of a direction) corresponding to the way in which the hands of a clock move around.

clockwise Example

  • Rotate the head clockwise and counterclockwise. ( सिर को दक्षिणावर्त और वामावर्त घुमाएँ। )
  • Swing clockwise for 3 turns. ( 3 मोड़ के लिए दक्षिणावर्त घुमाओ। )
  • Gently swing your right arm in a clockwise direction. ( धीरे से अपने दाहिने हाथ को घड़ी की दिशा में घुमाएं।  )
  • Please turn the key in a clockwise direction. ( कृपया कुंजी को दक्षिणावर्त दिशा में मोड़ें। )

More Sentence

  • If your guitar has three tuners next to each other, wind the three that hold the three lowest pitched strings counter-clockwise, and the other three clockwise.
  • Turn the lid clockwise if you want to fasten it tightly.
  • Save energy when you won't be around, and don't forget to have your fan rotate clockwise during the winter to redirect rising hot air.
  • Some jewelry manufacturers displace the yin and yang on opposite sides, but the teardrop still moves in a clockwise motion.
  • He told the children to start moving clockwise around the room.
  • clockwise circuit of the mountain.
  • Clockwise from above: Tatiana is a single parent.
  • Does it go clockwise or anti-clockwise? clockwise?
  • Moving clockwise, orange is analogous to red.