appetizing - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of appetizing in Hindi

  • स्वादिष्ट
  • मेज़ेदार
  • स्वादयुक्त

appetizing Definition

  • stimulating one's appetite. ( किसी की भूख को उत्तेजित करना। )

appetizing Example

  • The secret, according to some customers, is the addition of mince radish, which gives the tzongtze a unique and appetizing aroma. ( कुछ ग्राहकों के अनुसार, रहस्य, मूली की मूली के अलावा है, जो त्ज़ोंग्ट्ज़े को एक अनोखी और स्वादिष्ट खुशबू देता है। )
  • They reached the backdoor and Hanna and Eric walked inside, the appetizing aroma of baking floating in the air. ( वे पिछले दरवाजे पर पहुंच गए और हना और एरिक अंदर चले गए, हवा में तैरते बेकिंग की सुगंधित सुगंध। )
  • Only the crisp skin was appetizing , while the fish lacked the aroma of the wine. ( केवल कुरकुरे त्वचा ही दमक रही थी, जबकि मछली में शराब की सुगंध नहीं थी। )
  • There were so many appetizing choices, Nikki said, she couldn't decide which one to order. ( इतने सारे स्वादिष्ट विकल्प थे, निक्की ने कहा, वह तय नहीं कर सकती कि किसको ऑर्डर करना है। )
  • The smoky haze and appetizing aroma from barbecues greets visitors as they are ushered onto rooftops for a taste of a range of sizzlers, steaks and grills. ( बारबेक्यू की स्मोकी धुंध और स्वादिष्ट सुगंध आगंतुकों का स्वागत करते हैं, क्योंकि उन्हें सिज़लर, स्टेक और ग्रिल्स की एक श्रृंखला के स्वाद के लिए छतों पर ले जाया जाता है। )
  • The fragrance of roasted meat drifts into your nostrils, appetizing and mouthwatering. ( भुना हुआ मांस की खुशबू आपके नथुने, भूख और माउथवॉटर में बहती है। )
  • Some appetizing soups follow to create more place for tasty fare ahead. ( कुछ स्वादिष्ट सूप आगे स्वादिष्ट किराया के लिए अधिक जगह बनाने के लिए अनुसरण करते हैं। )
  • It is biodegradable and not appetizing to mice and insects, which is a problem for packaging made from corn and potatoes. ( यह बायोडिग्रेडेबल है और चूहों और कीड़ों के लिए स्वादिष्ट नहीं है, जो मकई और आलू से बनी पैकेजिंग के लिए एक समस्या है। )
  • The appetizing aroma of waffles and bacon wafted up from the kitchen down the small stairwell of their split-level house. ( वफ़ल और बेकन की स्वादिष्ट सुगंध रसोई से अपने विभाजित स्तर के घर की छोटी सी सीढ़ी से नीचे की ओर बहती है। )
  • The food on the hot counter looked about as appetizing as a row of sun-dried cow pats. ( गर्म काउंटर पर भोजन के रूप में धूप में सूखे गाय पैट की एक पंक्ति के रूप में स्वादिष्ट लग रहा था। )
  • The Waffle Cone Sundae, mixed with a topping of your choice and decorated with fresh whipped cream, is a nice appetizing dessert. ( वफ़ल कोन सुंडे, अपनी पसंद के टॉपिंग के साथ मिश्रित और ताजा व्हीप्ड क्रीम के साथ सजाया गया, एक अच्छा स्वादिष्ट मिठाई है। )
  • Well, I will admit that a concoction made of potatoes, cauliflower, carrots, swede turnips, onions and oatmeal is not very appetizing . ( खैर, मैं स्वीकार करूंगा कि आलू, फूलगोभी, गाजर, स्वेड शलजम, प्याज और दलिया से बना एक मनगढ़ंत भूख नहीं है। )

More Sentence

  • Fruits cut into the shape of flowers bordered by bright leaves lie appetizingly on their plates.
  • Add the chicken, let it colour appetisingly then scoop it and the seasonings out and set aside.
  • Rice, a staple at mealtimes, is very nutritious, but of course it can get a little boring if we don't work with our rice to turn out appetising and delicious dishes.
  • Lovely delicious appetising tea and sandwiches were served.
  • As she reaches for the drink, it is grasped by a darkly handsome man, dressed in a dinner jacket, who smiles appetizingly .
  • Those ubiquitous south Indian dishes could be made more appetising and delicious if they made ragi and green gram were used as the main ingredients.
  • Micro-organisms are used in a variety of applications, like breaking down oil spill contaminants and sewage, or perhaps more appetizingly , providing an array of food products and additives.
  • What attracted them were the appetising aromas of traditional Chinese food in the evening air.
  • I gave them a miss since my feet were being led by my nostrils, which could sniff the appetising aroma of Chinese food, at a stall nearby.
  • Oven baked tomatoes stuffed with Mediterranean veg and Parmesan had a concentrated sweetness to them while the veg (mainly potato and breadcrumbs) were appetisingly homely.
  • But a pile of mashed-up food may not look particularly appetising , so Marc is looking at ways of presenting the food reformed, shaped and more enticing.
  • Meat which has been condemned finds its way back into the food chain and ends up as burgers or chicken nuggets - no doubt appetising to youngsters but potentially a danger to their health.
  • By all means make it look appetising , but do not overdo the plate-decorating, nor feel you have to emulate restaurants, and stack everything up like the leaning tower of Pisa.