count - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of count in Hindi

  • गिनती
  • गणना
  • संख्या
  • गिनना
  • गिनती करना
  • मानना
  • गिनती गिनना
  • गणना करना
  • अंकों का हिसाब रखना
  • महत्त्वपूर्ण होना
  • सम्मिलित करना

count Definition


  • determine the total number of (a collection of items).
  • take into account; include.
  • be significant.


  • an act of determining the total number of something.
  • an act of reciting numbers in ascending order, up to the specified number.
  • a point for discussion or consideration.
  • the measure of the fineness of a yarn expressed as the weight of a given length or the length of a given weight.
  • a European nobleman whose rank corresponds to that of an English earl.

count Example

  • hold the position as you count to five ( पांच तक गिनने पर स्थिति को पकड़ें )
  • the count on Gwynn is 1 ball and 2 strikes ( ग्विन की गिनती 1 गेंद और 2 स्ट्राइक है )
  • I started to count the stars I could see ( मैंने उन सितारों को गिनना शुरू कर दिया जिन्हें मैं देख सकता था )
  • hold it for a count of seven ( इसे सात की गिनती के लिए पकड़ो )

More Sentence

  • A little memory work might be required, but anyone could count from nineteen to twenty.
  • I'll count to five?
  • So playing by the rules doesn't count any more?
  • I'll count to three, girl.
  • Count out the money and don't cheat like the last time.
  • The count jumped up and, swaying from side to side, spread his arms wide and threw them round the little girl who had run in.
  • Jackson had lost count of the times she found 'The One', only to have her heart broken months or years later.
  • Not sure why you'd count at this point.
  • "Count and collect," Gabriel ordered.
  • He was able to count the number of people beyond his ability to manipulate on one hand: the Gods.
  • Count Dracula I presume?
  • That ought to count for something, give us a little leeway.
  • Miss Sullivan tried to teach me to count by stringing beads in groups, and by arranging kintergarten straws I learned to add and subtract.
  • "Count me in," Gerald said.
  • Please count me in on this project.
  • To make each day count.
  • We have to count out John for tomorrow's trip.
  • If there's anything I can do, count on me.
  • She can count up to one hundred and backward.
  • He can read, write and count.
  • Can I count on your loyalty?
  • Vara, the only man he might count as a friend if he dared count any, whirled, and moonlight caught his pale green eyes.
  • "Sure you are, here you go Count Dracula," and she turned her head to expose her neck.
  • You've got to the count of five to have you both out of my sight.
  • Can we count you in?
  • I count myself fortunate to have known him
  • at the last count, fifteen applications were still outstanding
  • the staff has shrunk to four, or five if you count the summer intern
  • there was a moderate increase in the white cell count in both patients
  • he dropped by the ropes to take a count of six on one knee
  • he hopes his sportsmanlike attitude will count in his favor
  • the party's only candidate was eliminated at the first count