corrosive - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of corrosive in Hindi
- संक्षारक
corrosive Definition
- tending to cause corrosion.
- a corrosive substance.
corrosive Example
- the corrosive effects of salt water ( खारे पानी के संक्षारक प्रभाव )
- The salt is a corrosive irritant poison when taken internally. ( जब आंतरिक रूप से लिया जाता है तो नमक एक संक्षारक उत्तेजक जहर होता है। )
- A good palliative is sweet oil; this will allay any corrosive irritation of the throat and stomach, and at the same time cause vomiting. ( एक अच्छा उपशामक मीठा तेल है; यह गले और पेट की किसी भी संक्षारक जलन को दूर करेगा और साथ ही उल्टी का कारण बनेगा। )
- The post-mortem appearances will be those of corrosive poisoning. ( पोस्टमॉर्टम उपस्थिति संक्षारक विषाक्तता के होंगे। )
More Sentence
- The result is to prevent the local corrosive action of the poison and to prevent absorption of the metals.
- If it be exposed to damp, to sea-water or to corrosive influences of any kind in contact with another metal, or if it be mixed with another metal so as to form an alloy which is not a true chemical compound, the other metal being highly negative to it, powerful galvanic action will be set up and the structure will quickly deteriorate.
- each of corrosive sublimate and carbolic acid in i gallon of methylated spirits.
- The initiative in Connecticut grew out of particularly corrosive legislative battles.
- At first blush Landau's assessment appears a bit corrosive.
- Let us begin to undo the corrosive unfairness of reverse discrimination,
- But no less corrosive is the continuing leverage of special interests.
- "It's corrosive, " he said.
- The corrosive link between lobbyists and legislators is still in place.
- Minuses : Expensive, more corrosive when pure than in blends.
- Manson's corrosive persona stirs strong emotions among music fans.
- Two corrosive developments in American society make this bizarre scenario possible.
- Some cynicism is healthy, but it also can be corrosive.
- It's difficult to see corrosive in a sentence .
- These differences have spread tendrils of corrosive hatred around the world.
- The corrosive effects of fund expenses on returns are well documented.
- Sodium fits the bill, but is also extremely corrosive material.
- And everyone criticizes the Indians for apparently having used corrosive chemicals.
- The action of these acids on many metals was also studied; Glauber obtained zinc, stannic, arsenious and cuprous chlorides by dissolving the metals in hydrochloric acid, compounds hitherto obtained by heating the metals with corrosive sublimate, and consequently supposed to contain mercury.
- In a gas the state of things is very different; an odour is known to spread rapidly through great distances, even in the stillest air, and a gaseous poison or corrosive will attack not only those objects which are in contact with its source but also all those which can be reached by the motion of its molecules.
- Stannic Chloride, SnC1 4, named by Andreas Libavius in 1605 Spiritus argenti vivi sublimate from its preparation by distilling tin or its amalgam with corrosive sublimate, and afterwards termed Spiritus fumans Libavii, is obtained by passing dry chlorine over granulated tin contained in a retort; the tetrachloride distils over as a heavy liquid, from which the excess of chlorine is easily removed by shaking with a small quantity of tin filings and re-distilling.
- The use of corrosive sublimate is not, however, recommended, as it forms on drying a fine powder which when the plants are handled will rub off and, being carried into the air, may prove injurious to workers.