chronology - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of chronology in Hindi

  • कालक्रम
  • घटनाक्रम
  • कालक्रम-निर्णय-विज्ञा
  • कालानुक्रम
  • तैथिकी
  • कालनिर्णय

chronology Definition

the arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence. ( घटनाओं या तारीखों की व्यवस्था उनकी घटना के क्रम में। )

chronology Example

  • the novel abandons the conventions of normal chronology ( उपन्यास सामान्य कालक्रम की परंपराओं को छोड़ देता है )
  • There is also a detailed chronology , family trees, maps and a list of contents.  ( एक विस्तृत कालक्रम, परिवार के पेड़, नक्शे और सामग्री की एक सूची भी है। )
  • Those letters need to be looked at in the context of the particular chronology of events. ( उन पत्रों को घटनाओं के विशेष कालक्रम के संदर्भ में देखा जाना चाहिए। )
  • To its followers, heritage offered a free ticket into a past liberated from the schoolmasterly disciplines of chronology , narrative, and moral judgment.  ( अपने अनुयायियों के लिए, विरासत ने कालानुक्रम, कथा, और नैतिक निर्णय के स्कूल मास्टर से मुक्त अतीत में एक मुफ्त टिकट की पेशकश की। )
  • This chronology of events is well researched and laced with chilling quotes from these ‘freedom fighters’ and their leaders.  ( घटनाओं की इस कालक्रम को अच्छी तरह से शोध किया गया है और इन ers स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों ’और उनके नेताओं के चिलिंग कोट्स के साथ लिया गया है। )

More Sentence

  • The book also has a very useful chronology of events from 1947 to this year.
  • There is also a useful chronology and bibliography.
  • In the early chapters, the book follows a historical chronology rather than a natural one, focusing on how interpretations have changed with subsequent discoveries.
  • The 2001 recession will be the first in history whose causes and chronology were debated even before the downturn began.
  • A chronological history is, however, difficult to present because of the lack of concern of the ancient Indians to chronology and historical perspective.
  • There are six sections in the anthology that are arranged by genre and chronology .
  • The book follows a calendrical sequence, each poem dated and grouped by month, so that the events of a hundred years follow a seasonal ebb and flow, not chronology .
  • Certainly in this movie there's a lot of skewed structure and chronology , but to me I came about it organically, I think; I think it makes sense in the telling of the story.
  • It has a comprehensive bibliography, index and a chronology of the period.
  • Both volumes contain a list of Gould's major published works, a brief chronology of Gould's life, and notes on the correspondence to facilitate the use of the books.
  • Under Duport, Barrow studied Greek, Latin, Hebrew, French, Spanish, Italian, literature, chronology , geography and theology.
  • Each box includes a chronology of cultural and historical events to set the composer's life in context.
  • The chronology of events leading up to the trial is important.
  • It is in fact exceedingly hard to establish the chronology of these developments in rulership and government.
  • Perhaps if I can hand up to your Honour a chronology that I prepared in the matter and also an amended draft order nisi.
  • She has provided a detailed commentary on Ray's films and compiled an extensive filmography, added a chronology , and updated the index.
  • The interviews are not arranged in order of birth chronology or in any other particular sequence.
  • It contains a wonderful chronology and a complete bibliography, and it is fun to read.
  • Just how that could be done in a vacuum, with pupils ignorant of historical events or chronology , was not explained.
  • Finally there is a selection of criticism from Chesterton to the editor herself followed by a chronology and selected bibliography.
  • The chronology of historic mining operations in Tennessee caves is problematic.
  • Because I ranged widely in my travels, it made sense, as Janet suggested, to organize the book by chronology , as well as by locale, with themes woven throughout for continuity.
  • A relatively clear chronology has been established for a significant portion of his oeuvre.
  • a diary recording a chronology of events
  • Most readers will probably be satisfied to peruse only the first and last chapters, those dealing with the history and chronology of the fires and the conclusions drawn.