effervescent - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of effervescent in Hindi


  • चमकता हुआ
  • उत्तेजित
  • जोश
  • भरा
  • उबलता

effervescent Definition


  • (of a liquid) giving off bubbles; fizzy.vivacious and enthusiastic.
  • vivacious and enthusiastic.

effervescent Example

  • an effervescent mixture of cheap wine, fruit flavors, sugar, and carbon dioxide ( सस्ती शराब, फलों के स्वाद, चीनी और कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड का एक शानदार मिश्रण )
  • Effervescent soda water is a mild gastric sedative. ( इफर्जेसेंट सोडा वाटर एक हल्का गैस्ट्रिक शामक है। )
  • When you add it to a glass of water, you get an effervescent drink. ( जब आप इसे एक गिलास पानी में मिलाते हैं, तो आपको एक चमकता हुआ पेय मिलता है। )
  • These wines are effervescent, and they can range in flavor from very dry to very sweet. ( ये वाइन तड़क-भड़क वाली होती हैं, और इनका स्वाद बहुत शुष्क से लेकर बहुत मीठा तक हो सकता है। )

More Sentence

  • The "siphon champenois" of Deleuze and Dutillet (1829) was a hollow corkscrew, with valve, which was passed through the cork into a bottle of effervescent liquid, and the "vase siphoide" of Antoine Perpigna (Savaresse Pere), patented in 1837, was essentially the modern siphon, its head being fitted with a valve which was closed by a spring.
  • Tartaric acid is rarely used alone, but is contained in pilula quininae sulphatis and in Seidlitz powder (see Sodium), and is a constituent of many proprietary granular effervescent preparations.
  • Rossini's dark yet effervescent treatment of the Cinderella tale.
  • He was jovial and effervescent, and he loved to laugh.
  • Such is the effervescent quality of his art and his personality.
  • The production of effervescent tablets is the chief work of SwissCo.
  • So much for the effervescent first hundred days of the Republican Congress.
  • She was said to be effervescent, not overly concerned about etiquette.
  • Then came ` Emma,'which was so effervescent.
  • At 17, Thornton is every bit the effervescent teenager.
  • A creamy, rich cheese will go best with an effervescent wine like Champagne or Moscato.
  • This lightly effervescent wine is a semi-sweet, low-alcohol frizzante wine from Piedmonte, Italy.
  • Elisabeth was stoic, always holding her feelings close; and Emily was the effervescent, impulsive optimist.
  • The use of an effervescent denture cleaner will help remove stubborn stains and leave your denture feeling fresher.
  • effervescent young people