satan - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of satan in Hindi
- शैतान
- पिशाचनाथ
- दैत्य
satan Definition
- a name for the Devil
satan Example
- Satan and the beasts condemned to eternal torment. ( शैतान और जानवरों ने अनन्त पीड़ा की निंदा की। )
- The unbelieving Jews are "a synagogue of Satan" (ii. ( अविश्वासी यहूदी "शैतान का आराधनालय" (ii. )
- Adam, like Satan in Ecclus. ( एडम, एक्लस में शैतान की तरह। )
- The Key of Truth teaches that after the fall Adam and Eve and their children were slaves of Satan until the advent of the newly created Adam, Jesus Christ. ( सत्य की कुंजी सिखाती है कि पतन के बाद आदम और हव्वा और उनके बच्चे नव निर्मित आदम, यीशु मसीह के आगमन तक शैतान के दास थे। )
More Sentence
- Anthony Hopkins was much more frightening as a serial killer than Currie is as the son of Satan.
- She lay on the bed and pulled the coverlet up over herself and the golden Satan shone behind her closed eyes.
- During the police questioning on the first day, some of the parents were asked about Satan and satanism.
- Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical deceit!
- They believed in the existence of two gods, a good (whose son was Christ) and an evil (whose son was Satan); matter is the creation of the evil principle, and therefore essentially evil, and the greatest of all sins is sexual intercourse, even in marriage; sinful also is the possession of material goods, and the eating of flesh meat, and many other things.
- If his evil works outweigh his good, he falls finally under the power of Satan, Vand the pains of hell are his portion for ever.
- And Satan peeled off the healthful skin and sliced starchy center into chips and deep - fried them.
- Adam and Eve handed over the complete rulership rights of the world to Satan, but Jesus came as the second Adam to take back the rights to rule and reign.
- Satan, sin, self, darkness, and worldliness predominate among all people on earth.
- He permits a real character like Satan to interact with a merely allegorical or symbolic character like Sin. The effect for Johnson - and who can say that this is -- that Johnson is wrong?
- It is impossible to deny Persian influence in the development of this conception, and that the Persian Ahriman (Angromainyu), the evil personality opposed to the good, Ahura Mazda, moulded the Jewish counterpart, Satan.
- In later Judaism Sammael is the equivalent of Satan.
- Baal Zebub of the Philistine Ekron became the Beelzebub who was equivalent to Satan.