exuberant - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of exuberant in Hindi


  • विपुल
  • अधिक
  • भरा-पूरा
  • प्रचुर
  • हरा भरा

exuberant Definition


  • filled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement.

exuberant Example

  • exuberant foliage ( विपुल पत्ते )
  • giddily exuberant crowds ( उत्साह से भरी भीड़ )
  • His poems, novels and comedies are full of wit and exuberant vitality. ( उनकी कविताएँ, उपन्यास और हास्य बुद्धि और विपुल जीवन शक्ति से भरे हुए हैं। )
  • A rich and exuberant growth of the plants is a first essential of successful tea cultivation. ( चाय की सफल खेती के लिए पौधों की समृद्ध और विपुल वृद्धि पहली अनिवार्यता है। )

More Sentence

  • But we find no trace of the exuberant comic power and geniality of his great contemporary.
  • But this attitude was not likely to appeal to the exuberant energy of the new pope.
  • Fictional villians and heroes are often puffed up with exuberant hubris.
  • Although I am a healthy adult, I found it hard to keep up with the exuberant teenagers on the hike.  
  • An exuberant demonology admitted all kinds of interfering causes in the field of human life.
  • That the vegetation during this period was unusually exuberant there can be no doubt, and that a general uniformity of climatic conditions prevailed is shown not only by the wide distribution of coal measures, but by the uniformity of plant types over the whole earth.
  • All three are Gothic edifices and are notable for their elaborately carved doorways, in which free play has been given to the exuberant fancy of the Gothic style, and all three enshrine valuable treasures of art.
  • So again, in the stress that he lays on the misery which the most secret wrong-doing must necessarily cause from the perpetual fear of discovery, and in his exuberant exaltation of the value of disinterested friendship, he shows a sincere, though not completely successful, effort to avoid the offence that consistent egoistic hedonism is apt to give to ordinary human feeling.
  • I love the luxuriance of the golden hop, but last year it was a little too exuberant.
  • flamboyant and exuberant architectural invention