die out - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of die out in Hindi

  • विलुप्त होना
  • मरना
  • मृत हो जाना
  • सुनसान होना
  • निर्जन हो जाना
  • शांत हो जाना
  • चुप हो जाना
  • गतिस्र्द्ध हो जाना

die out Definition


  • to become less common and finally stop existing

die out Example

  •  In the night tar-makers watched these heaps lest the fire should die out in them. ( रात में तारकोल बनाने वालों ने इन ढेरों को देखा, कहीं ऐसा न हो कि उनमें आग बुझ जाए। )
  • The lesser conquered worships do not die out at once, but continue along with the central one. ( कम विजयी उपासना एक बार में समाप्त नहीं होती है, बल्कि केंद्रीय पूजा के साथ जारी रहती है। )
  • She saw the softened look upon his face, the flaming anger die out of his eyes. ( उसने उसके चेहरे पर नरमी देखी, उसकी आँखों से जलता हुआ क्रोध मर गया। )

More Sentence

  • Some die out at once; others felicitously tickle the public ear and ring far and wide.
  • In medium and strong koumiss they die out on account of the amount of lactic acid formed (1%).
  • That was about the time mammoths are believed to have died out.
  • Three ambulances were seen arriving as the protest appeared to die out.
  • Pour brandy over fruit and flame carefully, tossing until flames die out.
  • Boxing died out partly because few DOC employees were qualified to referee.
  • That way of life died out quickly with the end of colonialism.
  • The old age of their supporters means their votes will die out.
  • Nomo mania died out as he struggled through the past three seasons.
  • A dramatic story of how our species survived while others died out.
  • The raccoon population died out due to disease shortly before 2002.
  • It's difficult to see die out in a sentence .
  • At any rate, they die out after a term of years, and, it is said, leave the land sweet and clean.
  • Let light die out and brooding darkness reign, And in a word call Chaos back again.
  • The prejudice now felt against them for bearing on their persons the brand of slaves, cannot die out immediately.
  • That absurd uncle who didn't want his name to die out must have been a lunatic or an imbecile.
  • Haven't you been kind as an angel to me when the others would have let me die out here like a dog?
  • What was there about her lover that seemed so changed to the girl, that caused the love to suddenly die out of her heart?
  • Often at home he would allow the study fire to die out simply through neglect to make use of the poker.
  • He lived for something else besides himself, and his memory will never die out of the hearts of those for whom he lived and labored.
  • Reformers and philanthropists should always keep dogs, in order that the spontaneous element may not wholly die out of them.
  • No one ever heard of such a thing as that a multitude of cattle, such as his