disinfectant - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of disinfectant in Hindi

  • निस्संक्रामक
  • मलिनता हटानेवाला द्रव्य
  • कीटाणुनाशक
  • रोगाणुनाशक
  • रोगाणुनाशी
  • निसंक्रामक
  • संक्रमणकारी

disinfectant Definition


  • a chemical liquid that destroys bacteria.


  • causing the destruction of bacteria.

disinfectant Example

  • Cleansing and disinfectant products ( सफाई और कीटाणुनाशक उत्पाद )
  • The faint smell of disinfectant soap was washed away by expensive cologne. ( महंगे कोलोन से कीटाणुनाशक साबुन की हल्की गंध धुल गई। ) 
  • When sulphur is burned in air or oxygen, sulphur dioxide is produced, which is a powerful disinfectant, used to fumigate rooms which have been occupied by persons suffering from some infectious disease. ( जब सल्फर को हवा या ऑक्सीजन में जलाया जाता है, तो सल्फर डाइऑक्साइड का उत्पादन होता है, जो एक शक्तिशाली कीटाणुनाशक होता है, जिसका उपयोग उन कमरों को धूनी देने के लिए किया जाता है, जिन पर किसी संक्रामक बीमारी से पीड़ित व्यक्ति रहते हैं। )
  • Be sure to use hot water and a disinfectant or sanitizer. ( गर्म पानी और एक कीटाणुनाशक या सैनिटाइज़र का उपयोग करना सुनिश्चित करें। )

More Sentence

  • Like Disinfectant, you can download virus updates from bulletin boards.
  • Then he soaked another bit of cotton with the disinfectant and stuffed it into the foot.
  • But I cleaned and aired it, and sprinkled disinfectant about that I had bought at the drug store.
  • When will the fallacy be destroyed which gauges the strength of a disinfectant by the pungency of its odour?
  • On my hypothesis the polling of the hair is simply one of these purificatory or disinfectant ceremonies.
  • The air was disagreeable with the odor of strong disinfectant which had been used on the bare wood floor.
  • At hourly intervals remove the control tube and one of the tubes with added disinfectant from the incubator.
  • Too much acidity can cause the disinfectant chemicals to become unstable.
  • The germs in the water can be killed with chemical disinfectants.
  • The walls were dingy gray; the halls smelled of disinfectant.
  • A solution of the crude salt is used as a disinfectant under the name of "Condy's fluid."
  • Corrosive sublimate in an acid solution is the best disinfectant, but sulphuric acid, 1 in 250, is efficient and cheaper.
  • Its principal action is as an antiseptic and disinfectant.
  • Tea tree oil makes a great household cleaner and disinfectant.
  • They produce a whole range from washing up liquid, toilet cleaner, polish, washing powder, to disinfectant.
  • It is almost insoluble in water, is miscible with absolute alcohol and ether, and dissolves sulphur, phosphorus, resins and caoutchouc. On exposure to the air it dries to a solid resin, and absorbing oxygen gives off ozone - a reaction utilized in the disinfectant called "Sanitas."
  • A roadside stand was set up to disinfectant residents'vehicles.
  • Sanitation crews this week sprayed giant mounds of garbage with disinfectant.
  • It's difficult to see disinfectant in a sentence .
  • In Mexico, restaurants and consumers routinely soak vegetables in disinfectant.
  • Legal Category: POM Package quantities Packs of 25 sponges complete with applicators, disinfectant and lubricant gel.
  • Solid waste All contaminated glass or plastic must be soaked in disinfectant for a period of several hours.
  • all surfaces are cleaned manually or by pressure washer with disinfectant