cesarean - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cesarean in Hindi

  • सिजेरियन

cesarean Definition


  • of or effected by cesarean section. ( या सिजेरियन सेक्शन से प्रभावित। )


  • a cesarean section. ( एक सिजेरियन सेक्शन। )

cesarean Example

  • Vaginal birth after cesarean delivery appears to go in and out of fashion. ( सिजेरियन डिलीवरी के बाद योनि का जन्म फैशन के अंदर और बाहर जाना प्रतीत होता है। )
  • It may be due to chance, or it could reflect babies forced out of their mothers' wombs early by induction or elective cesarean . ( यह संयोग के कारण हो सकता है, या यह शिशुओं को अपनी माताओं के गर्भ से बाहर निकलने के लिए प्रेरित कर सकता है जो प्रेरण या वैकल्पिक सिजेरियन द्वारा होता है। )
  • In addition, randomized clinical trial results have not shown the clinical effectiveness of prophylactic cesarean delivery when any specific estimated fetal weight is unknown. ( इसके अलावा, यादृच्छिक नैदानिक परीक्षण के परिणामों ने रोगनिरोधी सिजेरियन डिलीवरी की नैदानिक प्रभावशीलता को नहीं दिखाया है जब किसी विशिष्ट अनुमानित भ्रूण का वजन अज्ञात है। )
  • Because cesarean delivery is a major surgical procedure, it carries the risks posed by any other major surgery, such as infection or complications from the anesthetic. ( क्योंकि सिजेरियन डिलीवरी एक प्रमुख सर्जिकल प्रक्रिया है, यह किसी अन्य प्रमुख सर्जरी द्वारा उत्पन्न जोखिमों को वहन करती है, जैसे संक्रमण या संवेदनाहारी से जटिलताएं। )
  • Infection rates are higher in women who have cesarean deliveries; evidence is inconsistent about the effects of labor induction on infection rates. ( सिजेरियन डिलीवरी करने वाली महिलाओं में संक्रमण की दर अधिक होती है; संक्रमण दर पर श्रम प्रेरण के प्रभावों के बारे में असंगत है। )

More Sentence

  • Similarly, if the physician believes that performing a cesarean delivery would be detrimental to the overall health and welfare of the woman and her fetus, he or she is ethically obliged to refrain from performing the surgery.
  • Presentation of this information might cause some patients to forgo vacuum or forceps attempts and proceed directly to cesarean delivery.
  • So I've got to have a cesarean, but at least I know - a few girlfriends of mine have had births lately, and they went through like three or four days of labor and had to have a cesarean anyway.
  • If a pregnant woman has symptoms indicating an active infection (primary or recurrent) at the time of delivery, the baby usually can be protected from infection by a cesarean delivery.
  • Women who deliver vaginally in their first pregnancy are at much lower risk of requiring a cesarean delivery during a future pregnancy.
  • Giving birth is dangerous: after 24 hours of labor in one of the best maternity wards in the country, I had a cesarean .
  • Her cervix would have shut down at 6 centimeters, and she would eventually have had a cesarean .
  • The authors' results confirm the observations from epidemiologic studies that cesarean delivery has a protective effect against pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence later in life.
  • Mothers with a previous cesarean delivery related to breech presentation had a cesarean delivery rate of 13.9 percent, almost equivalent to the rate in nulliparous patients.
  • The recommendation to be in a hospital cannot be considered valid without a comparison to the risks and benefits of homebirth after cesarean .
  • When possible, vaginal delivery is preferable to avoid the added physiologic stressors of cesarean delivery.
  • It can get chaotic, and mother might end up breathing through an oxygen mask, changing position, or even having a cesarean .
  • Colonization of the mother is not an indication for cesarean delivery, and cesarean delivery is not an alternative to intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis.
  • High-risk patients include those who have had cesarean deliveries after membrane rupture or labor and patients who undergo emergency procedures for which preoperative cleansing may have been inadequate.
  • These women are at risk of developing diabetes and related conditions later in life and face a range of complications during pregnancy, including hypertension, preeclampsia, and cesarean delivery.
  • There were a number of moments when an intervention could easily have been employed that would likely have led to a repeat cesarean .
  • Wall and colleagues studied the rate of postoperative wound complications with transverse and vertical incisions in obese women who were undergoing their first cesarean delivery.
  • Patients with wound separation after cesarean delivery or benign abdominal gynecologic procedures were randomized to treatment or placebo groups.
  • The authors conclude that risk factors for surgical site infection following cesarean delivery are infection before surgery, obesity, nulliparity, preeclampsia and poor general health.
  • If a decision is made to perform a cesarean delivery in the presence of suspected macrosomia, the incision should be large enough to avoid a difficult abdominal delivery.
  • The authors conclude that, at cesarean delivery, high-dose oxytocin more effectively prevents uterine atony than low-dose oxytocin.
  • Despite wide acceptance of this use, the timing of epidural placement remains controversial, with conflicting reports on the risk for subsequent cesarean deliveries and the length of the latent phase of labor.
  • A US study found that birthing mothers who have cesareans are four times more likely to die than women who have vaginal births.
  • Twenty-four percent had a cesarean, and of women with previous cesareans , 1 in 4 had a vaginal birth after cesarean.
  • Clearly, physicians are not doing enough to reduce the number of unnecessary cesareans (conservatively estimated at 50 percent of all cesareans , or approximately 500,000 per year).