sustainable - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of sustainable in Hindi

  • टिकाऊ
  • धारणीय

sustainable Definition


  • able to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
  • able to be upheld or defended.

sustainable Example

  • sustainable fusion reactions ( स्थायी संलयन प्रतिक्रियाएं )
  • However, to be sustainable, agriculture must provide the farmer with a living. ( हालांकि, टिकाऊ होने के लिए, कृषि को किसान को जीविका प्रदान करनी चाहिए। )
  • Part B outlines the new policy, which promotes sustainable agriculture, and Part C focuses on policy implementation. ( भाग बी नई नीति की रूपरेखा तैयार करता है, जो स्थायी कृषि को बढ़ावा देता है, और भाग सी नीति कार्यान्वयन पर केंद्रित है। )
  • This restaurant has initiated an in-house program to use sustainable products when available. ( इस रेस्तरां ने उपलब्ध होने पर टिकाऊ उत्पादों का उपयोग करने के लिए एक इन-हाउस कार्यक्रम शुरू किया है। ) 

More Sentence

  • It is a type of low- input, sustainable aquaculture.
  • New Buildings (should be of) sustainable construction.
  • Sustainable agriculture is confusing because it can mean so many things.
  • But we doubt that they make significant, sustainable territorial gains.
  • Long-term foreign investors seek macroeconomic stability and sustainable growth.
  • Our objective is very low inflation with maximum sustainable economic growth.
  • The real question going forward is whether loan growth is sustainable.
  • That level of deficit spending is clearly not sustainable for long.
  • These companies may purchase carbon offsets to balance some of the energy they use in production, build and operate sustainable facilities, or donate a portion of their profits to environmental or humanitarian organizations.
  • Resolving the VAT anomaly remains the most obvious means of promoting more sustainable approaches to the housing stock.
  • In short there must be sustainable development of adventure recreation.
  • If you'd like to get even more involved, for example by joining an activist group or the ecological education movement, contact Sustainable Living through the website and start making a difference on a global and local level.
  • When night falls, you can continue to support this beautiful environment by dining at one of the sustainable restaurants within the city limits.
  • sustainable definitions of good educational practice
  • our fundamental commitment to sustainable development