dawn - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dawn in Hindi
- भोर
- डॉन
- भोर
- सवेरा
- आरंभ
- प्रभात
- प्रकाश
- उषा
- झलक
- झुटपुटा
- शुरू
- तड़का
- अस्र्णोदय
- प्रकट होना
- पौ फटना
- दिन चढ़ाना
- शुरू होना
- आरंभ होना
- जागना
- जाग उठना
- सुबह होना
- खुलना
- साफ़ हो जाना
dawn Definition
- the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise.
- the beginning of a phenomenon or period of time, especially one considered favorable.
- (of a day) begin.
- become evident to the mind; be perceived or understood.
dawn Example
- the awful truth was beginning to dawn on him ( भयानक सच्चाई उस पर छाने लगी थी )
- the rose-pink light of dawn ( भोर की गुलाबी-गुलाबी रोशनी )
- I love to sit out on the patio at dawn and watch the rising of the sun. ( मुझे भोर में बाहर आंगन में बैठना और उगते सूरज को देखना पसंद है। )
- At the first appearance of dawn, the robbers slid away, making sure to cover their tracks so that they would not get caught. ( भोर की पहली उपस्थिति में, लुटेरे अपनी पटरियों को ढंकना सुनिश्चित करते हुए भाग गए, ताकि वे पकड़े न जाएं। )
More Sentence
- It was beginning to dawn on her that she had been fooled.
- Coal from the valleys A. 6 a.m., before dawn on a dark morning in 1910.
- Billy woke up at dawn on that day in January.
- It was beginning to dawn on him that getting on a jet plane wasn’t like stealing a truck.
- The wholesale fruit and poultry market opens before dawn on Saturday and is all packed up by seven o’clock in the morning.
- At dawn on Saturday 6 February the eight-month lull was abruptly brought to an end.
- Slowly it began to dawn on the pair that nobody else could possibly represent their work.
- It took ages to dawn on me that I had to find something else to do with my time other than music.
- Something began to dawn on Sandie Shaw.
- It began to dawn on me that I had walked into a pressure cooker; there were a lot of big problems.
- Slowly gathering before dawn on that rainy Seattle morning, the people turned up and the people shut the whole thing down.
- It began to dawn on him just what he had said, and to whom.
- It began to dawn on people only slowly, very slowly, that they were never coming back to work.
- We rose up before dawn and set out to the marketplace, hoping to be the first people to set up our wares.
- Judging by the first appearance of light in the sky, I was certain that dawn had arrived.
- the dawn of civilization